Distance & Meets
Does travelling long distances enhance/suppress an affair?
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Comments (175)
1610286 - 11 Jul, 2023 - 11:21PM
I think it shows a certain amount of commitment between 2 people if they are travelling from far to meet up!
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1494077 - 10 Jul, 2023 - 03:58PM
FluffyClouds - 10 Jul, 2023 - 03:53PM
Traffic jams, accidents, public transport issues…..my life is stressful enough without needing the added stress of IE meet logistics. I don’t care how well endowed or how fantastic a lover they say they are 😆
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FluffyClouds - 10 Jul, 2023 - 03:53PM
I personally wouldn't travel further than an hour on the motorway. 2 hours round trip is tiring enough for me. Plus, I wouldn't want to be further than that away from home. Accidents do happen, and that would be tricky to explain if you're somewhere you really would be unlikely to be.
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1494077 - 10 Jul, 2023 - 10:20AM
La tua fantasia - 10 Jul, 2023 - 06:27AM
Damned if you remember and ask after the person, and damned if you don’t remember.
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ClassyLady77 - 10 Jul, 2023 - 10:05AM
You don’t want someone on your doorstep but you don’t want someone who lives over 2 hours drive away.. long way to go for the first date/lunch.
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Enigma.. - 10 Jul, 2023 - 07:04AM
A friend of mine came back onto this site last year.
Within 3 weeks she was telling me that most of the men in her chosen areas are the same men that were on the site 5 years before. Hardly any fresh meat.
She was being messaged, like myself, by men from England, Northern Ireland and mainly men from the North East/East coast of Scotland or from The Borders/Dumfries areas.
Not only was she finding distance was an issue but availability and timings were issues as well.
And my friend lives in Glasgow 🤷🏼♀️🙄😕.
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Delicious Chaos - 10 Jul, 2023 - 06:27AM
I’m impressed you appear to remember everything about me and my IE life 👍
1601355 - 09 Jul, 2023 - 06:55PM
I think quite often having a bit of distance removes the opportunity to make mistakes powered entirely by lust. Plus.... let's be honest folks...nowhere is too far nowadays and guys...if a lady is worth it then travelling shouldn't be an issue.
Sometimes it's about a little more than just a quick drive down the road to a "No Tell Motel" for a quick fumble
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1494077 - 09 Jul, 2023 - 05:14PM
La tua fantasia - 09 Jul, 2023 - 07:41AM
That there was enough BS to take a break to an exotic island somewhere? I do hope your life has returned to normality 😊
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1586452 - 09 Jul, 2023 - 04:38PM
Lorelai Gilmore...
Just as well we're all different don't you think? :)
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