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It is all going well until……

They come up with stories that are simply too good to be true. What are some of the most outlandish tales that we have been told, either to get us to agree to a meet, or as an excuse to part ways?

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Comments (175)

FluffyClouds - 28 Nov, 2023 - 05:02PM

Eliza Boo -

It's not the wife that's fragile, it's them when they come up with these types of excuses. If the wife (or themselves) is such a delicate flower they shouldn't be on here inflicting their weakness an I'll equipped persona on other people.

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1447655 - 28 Nov, 2023 - 03:10PM

Enigna - oh the myth of the 'fragile wife'. Always on the verge of collapse, breakdown or crisis - allegedly.

Thing is, I don't know about you, but i don't actually know many 'fragile women'. Generally women are the one who knows what's what. As Reece Witherspoon said in her 'Glamour' acceptance speech for her 'Woman Of The Year' award, "I have never known a woman, in any crisis situation, who has absolutely no idea what to do. Aren't children even told, if you're in trouble talk to a women?!"

This 'damsel in distress' idea they put out about the wife is clap-trap. They are hiding in their wife's skirt tails. The wife is not the fragile one...

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1493674 - 28 Nov, 2023 - 01:08PM

My experience shows that no women will meet anyway.

1494077 - 28 Nov, 2023 - 12:57PM


Agree. If one doesn’t want or can’t meet, just say so. There is no need to come up with outlandish tales. It becomes really very clear as time goes on that someone is having second thoughts or just chatting to get a bit of attention or wank material 😊

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1529050 - 28 Nov, 2023 - 09:50AM

Enigma.. - 28 Nov, 2023 - 07:00AM

I get that family things do come up and family is number one - but if it becomes a regular excuse then ... they are not serious are they ..... I would rather them just say - sorry changed my mind I am not ready for an affair blah .....

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Enigma.. - 28 Nov, 2023 - 07:00AM

I’ve had this excuse several times….

My wife’s had a panic attack and I can’t meet up because I have to pick her up from work, etc….

Seriously 😒😏🙄

Legs&Eyes - 28 Nov, 2023 - 12:03AM


You know exactly what was written on your public profile. I quoted it back to you in the messages to you as you know.

I’m flattered you took my advice and changed it but as for here - you’ve smeared yourself.

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1616803 - 27 Nov, 2023 - 11:48PM

It was all private messaging not public profile.
Thanks for publishing my honesty on here. Maybe you’d like to post other things I told you on here. Sorry, I know you’re angry about your previous experiences but that was nothing to do with me. Please think before you smear me on here x

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1616803 - 27 Nov, 2023 - 11:27PM

There is no need to bring a private conversation to a forum.
That was a self deprecating joke on myself and no need to air anything in public. I responded to you privately, thanking you for the feedback.
I’m sorry you’ve had bad experiences but they weren’t from me.
Take care and hope you have better times x

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Legs&Eyes - 27 Nov, 2023 - 11:02PM

I think on balance now, it appears guys actually DONT want an honest response to messages..

I think the number of argumentative retorts and responses that come back when you say why you aren't interested - is too noisy for me.
I now understand why other ladies just block, ignore and dont bother responding to messages. I think my problem is my honesty. And thinking that responding, and giving a truthful answer is the right thing to do..

Im clearly mistaken, And I think I might be done here... I really do.... Enough.

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