It is all going well until……
They come up with stories that are simply too good to be true. What are some of the most outlandish tales that we have been told, either to get us to agree to a meet, or as an excuse to part ways?
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Comments (175)
1447655 - 05 Aug, 2023 - 12:05PM
...and then there's the 'Newbies' Paula! 👶
They put zero effort into planning, or just don't have the where-withall for the logistics of a first date, let alone an affair. You end up doing all the planning (great, someone elses life admin.) Then they go terribly quiet about 24 hours before as they get 'The Fear'.
When people stop romancing and being fantasists, this thing actually requires being organised and strategic. Not sexy, but there it is. And having a pair of cahonies. Give me a well initiated deviant anyday...
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Paula99 - 03 Aug, 2023 - 06:10PM
First you have 👻
Next comes zombies 🧟♂️
It’s not about outlandish tales…it’s more about they haven’t got the bollox to explain the real reason..aka you know who you are …’we won’t get on if we met in real life ‘
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Funguy77 - 29 Jul, 2023 - 04:42PM
Thank you I do try … Iv never used any but I’m planning on going out in Edinburgh on the 5th August so I’ll try them see how I get on and report back my findings 🤦♂️xx
Life is to short to give a sh@t if you don’t ask you don’t get xx
Athlete-G - 27 Jul, 2023 - 12:29PM
Hard to get replies as it is. Never mind cutting off/persuading someone.😂
Funguy77 - 27 Jul, 2023 - 12:12PM
What’s the difference between anal and oral sex? Oral sex makes your day. Anal makes your hole weak.
Can’t help myself
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1447655 - 27 Jul, 2023 - 11:33AM
Ahh..the heart story:
My first fling from here kept his distance wuth sn outlanish tale of his wife waiting for a heart transplant...Weeks of silence would occur post meet, while she was in hospital (probably had a few others on the go). I was all womanly support and sympathy. Even said he had a separate mobile for when the call came, it would be placed on the desk while we were 'occupied' next to his other mobile, 'just in case' (probably his I.E 'batphone'.) But he went on holiday and had no signal for a week (apparently) ...and I was "but what about the 'heart phone?!'
Afterwards, everytime I told the story the penny dropped deeper, and I felt more and more shame for being suckered! Once bitten...
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Doubleohseven - 27 Jul, 2023 - 11:07AM
My most outlandish tale?
Great lady, extensive chats on Telegram followed by a few brilliant dates. She suggests the next meet should be an intimate one, and I do not object!
By way of background, she has a successful career in the medical profession. In response to a sub-topic below, I tend to like someone who could pay her own way, although I settle all the bills myself.
And so, having booked an expensive room in a lavish establishment, I find myself waiting for her in the lobby. And waiting. No messages, no answers.
Hours later, I am back home, debriefing myself and trying to understand what I can learn from it all (I had never been stood up before and to this date, that remains the only case).
Around midnight, I get a Telegram message with the tale. Just as she was about to walk out of the hospital to meet me, she was called for an emergency, life-saving open heart surgery which took many hours and could not message me because no mobiles are allowed in the operating theatre. Top marks for originality
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Enigma.. - 27 Jul, 2023 - 09:05AM
That’s the most entertained I’ve been on this site for months.
But no… to the chat up lines lol 😂😝😉
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1604745 - 26 Jul, 2023 - 08:02PM
Lol, only BeckySharp suggested she would feel uncomfortable with the rich, which i assume means poor. To me thats a straight enough answer. The rest failed.
Not sure why it is difficult to give a straight answer to my question... Its binary in nature and couldn't get any simpler.
TheBoredHousewife - 26 Jul, 2023 - 09:01AM
In answer to your question, i would choose the woman who can hold her own and pay her own way.
Two of you also asked my opinion on the initial question, if a job matters on a male profile. My answer is yes.
As Lorelai Gilmore - 26 Jul, 2023 - 10:07AM pointed out "No 'exec' will do it for me" so using her as an example, she should be very glad she can see occupations in male profiles and can easily filter out the execs. Therefore occupations can help a woman choose the right affair.
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Funguy77 - 26 Jul, 2023 - 11:25AM
It’s all going well untill I brake out my 7 best chat up lines ?
What do you think . What’s your favourite
1 Do you have a name or can I call you mine?"
2 "If you were a vegetable, you'd be a 'cute-cumber'!"
3"Is your name Google? Because you have everything I've been searching for."
4"Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?"
5"Do you have a map? Because I keep getting lost in your eyes."
6"Are you a magician? Every time I look at you, everyone else disappears."
7"If you were a burger at McDonald's, you'd be called the 'McStunning'!"
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