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You say it best when you say ……

Nothing at all for some. For others, words make or break the loving feeling. What are some of the things that our lovers say that turns us on / off?

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Comments (76)

Juicyju1970 - 22 Aug, 2023 - 03:33PM

Get your knickers off 😉😘

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1529050 - 22 Aug, 2023 - 11:41AM

Sandypops - 22 Aug, 2023 - 02:55AM

OK, I mean at times we cannot control our feelings and they do spiral.

As others will tell you, I am one who will say go on lots of first meets, if nothing comes of it, it is a pleasant hour or so. You must not or should not feel any pressure to go further unless you feel comfortable.

I think I knew pretty early on when I found the one I wanted to take things further with, and yes there were meets that weren't great on both sides, but I am not one to just settle, we risk too much, so it needs to be right.

And Sandy you are NEVER second best remember that

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logicboy - 22 Aug, 2023 - 09:36AM

Turn on if she turns to me midway through the evening and, looking into my eyes smiling she sincerely says: "you are not special"

Explanation: for reference see article in the independent today about Mark Watson and why he had a 3-year long affair. There's plenty of heartache in how that played out and food for thought, but Mark's explanation of having an affair to avoid confronting the fact that he wasn't as successful as he wanted to be and that he wasn't special...

So why / how would saying this be a turn on to me? If you can understand or imagine why then your my type of person.

Funguy77 - 22 Aug, 2023 - 09:27AM

@ Sandypops - 22 Aug, 2023 - 02:55AM

See I get that a lot. Good chat for days some of Iv very hot and fun then just before the meet it’s silence 🤐
It must just be nerves.. sometimes I worry about myself being so relaxed about this . Have a nice meet arranged for Thursday let’s see if she turns up xx

Sandypops - 22 Aug, 2023 - 02:55AM

Dotty Green
I never started the affair looking for love. Well not the kind of love that snuck up on me. But I'm in a much better head space and just going with the flow. I've taken on board a lot of what you amazing ladies and gents have said and am enjoying being back chatting with men and arranging some first meets (which I'm doing on my terms, not to please them) we'll see how they go.

What I don't get is arranging a meet after chatting loads and then silence for a few days beforehand and them still thinking you'll meet up 🤦🏻‍♀️ ummm no, gotta keep the momentum going before a first meet. Your chat with me is archived 😂

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Enigma.. - 21 Aug, 2023 - 08:26PM

Actually meeting someone on here, for a date, is a bloomin miracle.

London is booming. Travel further North it’s like 🙄🥱🤔🤷🏼‍♀️.

Good luck @Sandypops x❤️

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Funandfrolicks45 - 21 Aug, 2023 - 05:03PM

For me a stolen secret moment together is very sexy,you shouldn't be there but you can't stop thinking about been there,and that text " I'm on the way to meet you" knowing fair well your going to cherish ever second and every inch of each other
Then back to reality:) hey ho, enjoy every moment you can get if it's that good as I won't last for ever that's for sure
Single and very ready to start again with the right person;)

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1529050 - 21 Aug, 2023 - 08:46AM

Sandypops - 21 Aug, 2023 - 02:06AM

Unfortunately, and I understand your feelings, you are going into an affair looking for love and sadly you will get hurt.

Everyone has fallen in love with an affair, in their mind this person is their perfect escape. Sadly one of us seems to always have more feelings so one will be hurt when it ends. They always end.

I’m slightly older than you and my outlook changed after being hurt. I see my affairs for what they are a wonderful decadent escape. I enjoy the ride whilst it lasts - and while of course there are feelings I never let myself consider it’s love or this is the man of my dreams. My real life comes first end of.

Just be careful of being hurt and used - sometimes hold back - if the person is interested they will pursue and NEVER be the back up !!!!

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Bobby224 - 21 Aug, 2023 - 06:34AM


To leave such hurt must mean on the flip side that you had a wonderful experience and that’s what you should be focusing on. Also we know what we are doing and putting ourselves out there for potential hurt, we know what we signed up for, so in my eyes it’s better we feel the hurt rather than our spouses. It’s a result if our spouses don’t find out and get hurt!

Shame you are not in the Somerset area I love your commitment to your relationships! Chin up someone like you will find more fun!

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Sandypops - 21 Aug, 2023 - 02:06AM

Again, you all have some great words of wisdom, so thanks

Except for you 'not so smooth' operator 😂
I do love a Mills and Boon, shame life isn't like that, I'd be a very happy bunny if it was.
I've had affairs, flings, NSA and ONS before and not had any of the 'feelings' I felt this time. This guy was different and I don't know why. I suppose in the same way we've all thought we fell in love with the person we ended up marrying. We can't all compartmentalise and always think logically with our heads.
I'm 52 years old and have always worn my heart on my sleeve. But all the other times, those 'feelings' didn't materialise. Think I'm a bit long in the tooth to dramatically change now. I'm just me. Can't and won't pretend to be someone I'm not just to fit a box that 'people who have affairs' are meant to fit into.

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