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How do you keep your meets fun?

Where has you IE suggested for your meets? What is normal .. a hotel room..
air bnb... a hidden corner of a wood or the back of a car..? What do you
think is acceptable and what would you avoid? My normal is a nice dayuse
hotel for a day/afternoon locked away for some hidden fun, but recently was
taken on an amazing voyage, so to speak. How do you and your IE keep your
meetings fun and exciting?

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Comments (98)

ClassyLady77 - 13 Sep, 2023 - 11:27AM

Princess0121. ~ NEVER have hotels first meet you’re wasting your money and men are rarely as good in person as online. I’ve split the bill once never again it made me feel cheap/easy.. I spend the money on lingerie as never see me in same set twice 😉

Shoutout.. lol Pure class

Andy118959.. IF the boats a rocking dont come knocking… 😜

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Shoutout - 13 Sep, 2023 - 10:25AM

Usually a social meet first, then a hotel room, then wherever takes the mutual fancy.

Although one of my most exciting and unexpected encounters happened 33 mins after starting an intended first social meeting , getting a splendid BJ behind a skip next to a Wetherspoons...

Maxix2021 - 13 Sep, 2023 - 10:01AM

For my previous APs its been AirBnb, DayUse, but we've not been against cars, or out in the wild :P

1595187 - 13 Sep, 2023 - 09:29AM

my sailing yacht in portsmouth 6 bunks, 2 double beds, warm and cosy.

Donsman7 - 11 Sep, 2023 - 11:12PM

First time has got to be "regular" but after that, whatever goes :-)
If the chat and flirting has been good, the arousal should be automatic, both sides !!!

Princess0121 - 10 Sep, 2023 - 11:44AM

Talking about meets, it all depends on the interactions that have preceded the meets. During lockdown hotels were still open for business. I had my first meet there and we were both ready for the next stage. It was great.

However, since everything is back to normal, I made the mistake of meeting someone in one of them day rooms. He was nothing like the photos he had posted of himself severely obese and the champagne he boasted of bringing to the date was nothing but a cheap bottle of Prosecco. I don’t have issues with splitting the bill, but I not tolerate fake pictures and lies. So unless you have met for a coffee or lunch/dinner pls don’t book a hotel room. Also face time is great. We only ever spoke on the phone.

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1588157 - 09 Sep, 2023 - 11:14PM

And i had you down as a Pimms or Bellini girl.

Whats your stance on chips cheese and gravy apparently its the national dish in Canada.... and Cumbria.


Naughty in NW - 09 Sep, 2023 - 08:05PM


Very generous of you! 😁

I would feel slightly uncomfortable If you stretched that far TBH.

Supermarket value diet lemonade ticks all my boxes. If I'm feeling greedy I might just request an own brand packet of crisps. Very daring and could be a deal breaker, I know!

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1588157 - 08 Sep, 2023 - 12:48AM

Ive run out of Krug but I may throw in a bottle of Tizer or Irn Bru.


1588157 - 08 Sep, 2023 - 12:22AM

Well a barm cake without fillimg would be pointless......unless you want to use it as a frisby....

Bacon and egg or sausage and egg or maybe tuna nicoise perhaps?

Fancy a picnic on the canal towpath after vigourous waving has subsided?


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