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How do you keep your meets fun?

Where has you IE suggested for your meets? What is normal .. a hotel room..
air bnb... a hidden corner of a wood or the back of a car..? What do you
think is acceptable and what would you avoid? My normal is a nice dayuse
hotel for a day/afternoon locked away for some hidden fun, but recently was
taken on an amazing voyage, so to speak. How do you and your IE keep your
meetings fun and exciting?

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Comments (98)

Naughty in NW - 07 Sep, 2023 - 10:29PM


Is a filling allowed in the barm cake or would that just compromise everyone's integrity, expectations and generally cause upheaval and a shocked response?

Being a Northern Lass (although not actually a British National), a barm cake without crispy bacon and HP sauce is as pointless as a sex toy in a nunnery.

Just thinking .....I might have massively contradicted myself there...... Hmmmm.

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boav91 - 07 Sep, 2023 - 11:33AM

I cant say I have done this much, but mixing it up. Even if you have been together for a while not making it all just about the sex is always fun. Keeping the anticipation and the desire, looking forward to the meets all just add to the fun of it.

Get the mind excited and the rest will follow IMO

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ClassyLady77 - 07 Sep, 2023 - 11:09AM

Definitely coffee or drinks first meet.

Chris6069uk iF chemistry is there first date then it’ll make the Second date even more exciting.. Unless your a one date wonder.. 🤔

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1588157 - 07 Sep, 2023 - 12:35AM

First meet strictly tea and a barm cake...anything else would be very presumptious

P911 Barmy

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Paula99 - 06 Sep, 2023 - 10:10PM


Coffee meet is all I am prepared to do but not at a hotel ….for me those kinds of expectations would definitely raise red flags 🚩..

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Naughty in NW - 06 Sep, 2023 - 08:12PM

Dotty Green

Absolutely. This message trail is kinda banter based.......tongue firmly in cheek and suggestions mainly based on already established connections on here.


Each to their own of course. From a female perspective, I'd be very cautious about a hotel room on the first meet. As I said, not for me. Perhaps bear in mind the potential vulnerability experienced by your date.

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1620254 - 06 Sep, 2023 - 12:50PM

I like to have a hotel booked, even though we may just be meeting for a drink or coffee. Often the electricity is there and we need to move quickly!

1529050 - 06 Sep, 2023 - 11:51AM

Becool - 05 Sep, 2023 - 09:50PM

I think the OP is talking about the regular meets once you are an established affair.

I am with you tho, my first few meets are always very public, coffee, drink lunch before I even think of booking a hotel meet.

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1616715 - 05 Sep, 2023 - 09:50PM

How about a cafe or a bar? Let's face it you may not like each other.
Surely the hotel stage comes after an initial meet to check each other out?
I'd never book a hotel unless I'd met her at least once for a social.

1588157 - 05 Sep, 2023 - 12:08PM

Perilous situations are my forte especially undercover. Dark deeds in dark places.

Dont wave you knickers too vigourously or people will think you are sinking or trying to surrender.


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