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How do you keep your meets fun?

Where has you IE suggested for your meets? What is normal .. a hotel room..
air bnb... a hidden corner of a wood or the back of a car..? What do you
think is acceptable and what would you avoid? My normal is a nice dayuse
hotel for a day/afternoon locked away for some hidden fun, but recently was
taken on an amazing voyage, so to speak. How do you and your IE keep your
meetings fun and exciting?

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Comments (98)

Naughty in NW - 04 Sep, 2023 - 11:04PM


Very grateful for the offer of your dodgy dingy. Although times are hard, I believe I have an offer from my friend that will just pip yours to the post. She has an old canoe which she claims is perfect for some canoodles. An offer too good to refuse. I might bump into you on your dingy on the Leeds to Liverpool Canal? Make yourself known and I will wave my knickers in the air to salute you. Might even pick you up if you seem to be in a perilous situation.

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1588157 - 04 Sep, 2023 - 10:40PM

Naughty in NW

I feel your pain......distinct lack of helipads in Burnley...althoigh i believe The guy from Bank of Dave may have one you could use?

As for boats i could lend you my inflatable dingy but the valve is a bit leaky so to stop it going down on you ..........you may have to pump it regularly...........

Alternatively as a fully paid up member of the RLNI you could come out with me......i have extensive experience in finding the little man in the boat.


1588157 - 04 Sep, 2023 - 10:30PM


Was this on the boating lake in regents park


Naughty in NW - 04 Sep, 2023 - 09:44PM


Indeed. Obviously I usually sip Krug 1928 Champagne. Cost of living crisis and all that.......Blue Nun it is. Again, very much outside the box. 😅

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laugar164 - 04 Sep, 2023 - 08:47PM

Omg blue nun not heard of that for years

Naughty in NW - 04 Sep, 2023 - 08:06PM


You are very lucky to have a fully functional boat at the moment. I'd give anything for that.

My yacht is currently on lease to the Sultan of Dubai. It's more luxurious than his apparently. So that's out of action for a few months. My helicopter is ok, but there are not enough helipads to land in secluded areas. Such a bummer.

Now then. I know what you're thinking......what about the Ferrari in Fiery Red? Well......the suspension is apparently a bit compromised as I got a tad carried away with the gearstick. It's in the garage. Say no more.

As for islands.......not many of those in my neck of the woods. Mostly parks littered with dog shite.

A sweaty cheese sandwich, a bottle of Blue Nun and some outrageous petting on the train to Skegness (under a modest blanket of course) for a thrilling day trip filled with drink and debauchery anyone?

Now that is thinking out of the box! 😁

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Alleyone - 04 Sep, 2023 - 06:38AM

Think outside the box… my last meet I collected her in my boat, we went to an island and….let’s just say, both naked on a blanket…saying no more…)

1588157 - 02 Sep, 2023 - 11:50PM

As Bette Davis opined

Fasten your safety belt its gonna be a bumpy ride.


1588157 - 02 Sep, 2023 - 11:40PM

Well then its a good job i know how to Double de clutch.

Men were deceivers ever, One foot in sea, and one on shore; To one thing constant never. ”

Naughty in NW - 02 Sep, 2023 - 11:30PM


I would expect my passengers to be perfectly capable of both going down and pushing buttons without my guidance. This is how I determine who gets a ticket to ride on my coach 😁

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