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How do you keep your meets fun?

Where has you IE suggested for your meets? What is normal .. a hotel room..
air bnb... a hidden corner of a wood or the back of a car..? What do you
think is acceptable and what would you avoid? My normal is a nice dayuse
hotel for a day/afternoon locked away for some hidden fun, but recently was
taken on an amazing voyage, so to speak. How do you and your IE keep your
meetings fun and exciting?

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Comments (98)

1588157 - 02 Sep, 2023 - 10:58PM

She may be small (not) but she be fierce....

Going down?

Well who will push the buttons?

Keep both hands on the wheel at 10 to 2...

Naughty in NW - 02 Sep, 2023 - 10:34PM


Aye, if the fool could find where it lies.......

No offence 😀

Blackpool? Surely you jest Sir. Blackpool is for beginners. We are going down.......south.

1588157 - 02 Sep, 2023 - 09:59PM

If she be waspish best beware her sting


1588157 - 02 Sep, 2023 - 09:42PM

I hope you know the way to blackpool without a sat nav then


Naughty in NW - 02 Sep, 2023 - 08:29PM


Change of plan. I'll forfeit the drinking and take one for the team. I'm gonna drive the coach.......like a bat out of hell and straight into hedonistic pleasure.

This shrew is not for taming. 😁

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1588157 - 01 Sep, 2023 - 11:25PM

Naugjty in NW

I think we can find room for you on the back seat.

JD and coke or dirty martini?


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Naughty in NW - 01 Sep, 2023 - 10:30AM

I wanna sit in the naughty corner.

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1588157 - 01 Sep, 2023 - 12:05AM

Dotty Green.

Are you booking the coach for the dungeon party or is Exotic Orchid the entertainmemts officer.

I wanna sit on the back seat with BeckySharp and Paula 99

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Delicious Chaos - 31 Aug, 2023 - 05:26PM

Sandy pops

Google is your friend, there are a few dungeons in the South East. I’ve been to some, some are better than others but definitely a fun experience

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ExoticOrchid - 31 Aug, 2023 - 11:24AM

DG - 10:41AM

Hear, Hear! 👍

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