What do we really disclose?
Meeting a new person is always exciting. However most of us are meeting illicitly. What are your boundaries when disclosing personal details? Do we reveal our full names, places of work, give details about our family? What type of information are you willing to share? How much is too much?
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Comments (70)
yorky boy1964 - 02 Feb, 2025 - 11:08AM
Illicit meetings means excitement,sexual chemistry and a new zest for life x
PoundCakeRecipe - 02 Feb, 2025 - 10:07AM
Never disclose detailed information about any topic. Give just enough facts that allow conversation to flow. "What you do" is ok, "where you work and your position" is not. At least not at the beginning.
I will spare you the story of a woman who stalked me after a few chats in this site... it was going well but something didn't feel right so i ended it (respectfully!) but she got quite upset.
She then somehow got my Linkedin and even met me outside my work to challenge me on my decision... luckily it was diffused and no harm came of it but it was quite scary at the time. I simply do not compromise on safety anymore and discretion is critical for me.
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HotMess2025 - 02 Feb, 2025 - 10:01AM
Ultimately go with your gut feeling, closest town/city is good enough to meet. Any details you discuss with your date should always be 100% discrete and go to the grave with you, end of!
1601936 - 19 Jan, 2025 - 09:18PM
Because IE is not an app, we're bound to chat outside this website ultimately. I have a strict policy for chatting via telegram or kik. Whatsapp is a no-no for me as it involves sharing phone numbers. I wouldn't do that too early, or ever at all.
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Paula99 - 19 Jan, 2025 - 07:56PM
In the grand scheme of things…people of this generation tend to share/overshare too much of their lives ….facebook ..instagram….twitter…etc etc …so this is just another platform..
Unfortunately these are the people we are dealing with on IE ….no surprises there ..🤔
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Cheryl Kim - 19 Jan, 2025 - 06:10PM
Rare Breed - 19 Jan, 2025 - 01:12PM
Same goes with people who show photos of their families and friends. Nothing about not having anything to hide, and everything about not having a sense of discretion and simple disregard for your spouse or your children.
Saying that, once an IE is established and a trusted partner in crime, more personal disclosure would come as natural. But never before, and should not be expected.
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Rare Breed - 19 Jan, 2025 - 01:12PM
Be careful people. I have had to warn a few men about sharing too much too soon. Don't get me wrong - it's not about divulging postcodes or anything like that. I had a lovely chat with someone a few years back and he was telling me all about his music hobby and sent me some links to look at from a few of his gigs. From that, links to his home address were splattered all over the internet. I did tell him. It's not the first time I have come across something like this. Exercise caution. My daughter in law once asked to look at a photo of someone that I was dating. I showed her and within minutes she had tracked him down online and guess what? She found out that he was married. So a lesson for me and I had to wriggle myself out of that one!!!
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Clickable Connection - 18 Jan, 2025 - 06:06PM
I tend to hold back until I get to know her better. Even then I tend to hold some things back
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