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Caught out by Ring!?!?

Anyone got one of these doorbells? Be warned as it's just put an end to my mates marriage. A mystery bloke turned up on the front door and turns out his missus was playing away. Its got quite ugly and can't believe how stupid she was to do it on her own doorstep. I searched about it online and looks like others have been caught in act. Anyone else know anyone it's happened to? ring should be banned LOL.

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Comments (81)

Londonstories - 23 Oct, 2023 - 07:12PM

Men, by nature, can possess territorial instincts and may feel a sense of pride in marking their territory, even if it means engaging in intimate acts on another woman's bed. On the other hand, women often have emotional attachments to the memories of their marriage, and the idea of engaging in such activities on their own marital bed may be off-limits and guilt-inducing. However, it is worth noting that if both parties were to engage in the same behavior in a hotel room, the moral implications would be similar.

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Enigma.. - 23 Oct, 2023 - 06:58PM



Personally I’ve never tasted a deep fried mars bar.
Haggis is delicious. I’ve never tried it with honey though. You may be onto something there.
Yes… Scottish smoked salmon is the best. No matter where is bought from 😉.

How’s the county of Worcestershire sauce doing?
(Actually that’s my favourite flavour of crisps 😝😉).

I haven’t been to Norfolk in years. To flat for me 😉. I much prefer more rugged terrain 😉.

Ps… less of the big 😝.

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Parttimebf - 23 Oct, 2023 - 06:12PM

whoever turned up at the door and didnt see the ring also deserves it....how can you not see the doorbell thats 3 inches big? id immediately pretend i got the wrong door

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DefinitelyMightBe - 22 Oct, 2023 - 10:39PM

Clearly the person in question is a bit of a numpty, but on a related note- am I only person left on the planet that gets really sad at the thought of having a security camera on your house? I mean, there are cctv cameras everywhere we go these days and we all have a huge digital footprint already, why would you want one at home? Just a depressing thought to me, it to mention how insecure they are. Sorry, I digress!

1010337 - 22 Oct, 2023 - 06:55PM

Enigma.. - 22 Oct, 2023 - 11:57AM

I would have you round my gaff any time Big E, I would put on a cracking spread for you as well. Deep fried Mars Bars on sticks, Honey glazed Haggis, and Lidl's finest Scottish smoked salmon trimmings. I might even stretch to a Langoustine Ring with Marie Rose dip. I really do know how to treat a Lady 😏

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Enigma.. - 22 Oct, 2023 - 11:57AM

Apologies but I’m actually laughing out loud here. Actually why am I apologising 😂.
Who would be stupid enough to invite their Ie to either their home or his 🤷🏼‍♀️.
And… duh🙄😉😂. Some hotels do have security/cctv cameras.
Check out the hotel before meets.
Just saying 😉.
Do your homework children. Class dismissed, 😉😂 and yes…

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1104299 - 22 Oct, 2023 - 11:23AM

More fool her for having the disrespect to have an affair using the marital home, that’s a crossing of the line for me and shows contempt towards her husband!

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Paula99 - 22 Oct, 2023 - 10:10AM

All my family have access to the ‘door bell’ as it alerts their phones …

Before I had my ‘doorbell’ there is no way on Gods earth that I would invite my IE to my house…it’s my domain so I wouldn’t expect an invite to ‘his ‘ home …I don’t invade the ‘wives’ personal space …

Too much risk involved ☠️

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Boudicca - 22 Oct, 2023 - 12:25AM

All depends who has access to the footage! Being caught by that is a fools game.
Think smart!

1010337 - 21 Oct, 2023 - 07:14PM

Fwiw my ring has never been caught out, I've always known exactly what has been in its vicinity.

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