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Caught out by Ring!?!?

Anyone got one of these doorbells? Be warned as it's just put an end to my mates marriage. A mystery bloke turned up on the front door and turns out his missus was playing away. Its got quite ugly and can't believe how stupid she was to do it on her own doorstep. I searched about it online and looks like others have been caught in act. Anyone else know anyone it's happened to? ring should be banned LOL.

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Comments (81)

1010337 - 21 Oct, 2023 - 06:11PM

I bought my wife a Ring Doorbell for her birthday, yes I'm a romantic bastard. Then thought what the fuck have I done. Thankfully she doesn't know one end of a drill from the other, so it's still sitting in the box waiting for me to install it.

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FluffyClouds - 21 Oct, 2023 - 12:14PM

Ring doorbells and home security cameras are everywhere nowadays, it's easy to forget you've got one and could be seen by one.

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Paula99 - 21 Oct, 2023 - 05:39AM

Going to your partners house or vice versa is way to risky even if you calculate the risk…you’re tempting fate …

You have been warned ☠️

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1614937 - 20 Oct, 2023 - 11:43PM

Next time, turn up with overalls and a tool bag. "I've come to fix the washing machine" (as if the husband would know that it wasn't broken... 😄)

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1597404 - 20 Oct, 2023 - 11:22PM

Ouch. Sounds painful. Getting caught by the ring 🤪

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ExoticOrchid - 20 Oct, 2023 - 07:14PM

TSi - 06:11PM

Can't be as awkward as walking into the hotel with an IE and be greeted by name by your son's school friend who happened to be the Receptionist there!!! 😱

I had no choice but to brazen it out, stopping to chat for a few minutes with him before following my IE to the lift!

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TuftySi - 20 Oct, 2023 - 06:11PM

Not been caught out by a Ring doorbell, but when coming out of a local hotel where myself and a n other had spent the night. A work colleague, whom I’ve known for years, was on her way in, to the restaurant. Was particularly awkward moment.

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1622864 - 20 Oct, 2023 - 05:17PM

There should definitely be tea & biscuits 😀

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ExoticOrchid - 20 Oct, 2023 - 03:33PM

I have read comments from both men and women here quite proudly saying they go to their IE's homes and not for tea and biscuits either ... 😮

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1529050 - 20 Oct, 2023 - 03:22PM

Purple dreamer - 20 Oct, 2023 - 03:00PM

And even more stupid knowing they have a Ring doorbell...........

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