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Members' help needed :)

Hi IEers,
I’m Jess - we’re currently producing a podcast set to launch very soon that will explore different themes linked to sex and relationships. It’d be fantastic to get you lovely lot involved - feel free to share any funny stories/experiences you’ve had, e.g. first date fiascos, unexpected interruptions, nearly being caught – whatever it is you want to share, we’d love to hear it! You can even suggest topics you’d like to be covered in the podcast if you’d like!

It goes without saying that this is of course all going to be done anonymously - but if you feel more comfortable getting in touch privately, you can send me a a message here

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Comments (21)

Mad World - 08 Nov, 2023 - 01:54PM

I think a podcast where contributors talk with a muffled voice together with being anonymous would be completely acceptable.
Loads of stories to tell.

Good luck with the project 👍🕺

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1614937 - 08 Nov, 2023 - 12:27PM

Hi "Jess", I'd love to contribute to funny illicit dating stories but, after three months here and over 150 contacts, I don't have any.

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1631485 - 08 Nov, 2023 - 11:35AM

Hi Jess,

It seems you have single handedly managed to get the IE 'collective' to uncategorically think exactly the same thing!

It would seem not a single one of us (so far) is willing to offer anything other than a flat, resounding 'No'

Well done you. This may be the one and only time IE members think - and respond as one


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1588157 - 07 Nov, 2023 - 11:49PM

Yeah i will help out

When wigan athletic win the european cup

P911 barmy request

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Naughty in NW - 07 Nov, 2023 - 11:28PM


You have clearly added the confidentiality bit after my concerns raised.

Even if you work for the site and anonymity is 'guaranteed', I find the request clumsily put. And for me it raised suspicion on a site where we all really have to be very careful. Not impressed.

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1614937 - 07 Nov, 2023 - 10:58PM


It is highly likely that the women on here will have more stories about more affairs than the men. You only need to read the forum posts to see that more women than men are commenting! Of course, I could be wrong (she tells me that I'm always wrong!)...


Nope! (I'm guessing that's a football thing... ⚽️ 🤷‍♂️)

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1010337 - 07 Nov, 2023 - 08:12PM

Mister.E.Mann - 07 Nov, 2023 - 05:46PM

Any relation to the ex Arsenal and England Goalkeeper?

1010337 - 07 Nov, 2023 - 08:11PM

Hi Jess, I'll put you in touch with my agent.

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Naughty in NW - 07 Nov, 2023 - 05:51PM


How so? 🤔

1614937 - 07 Nov, 2023 - 05:46PM

You're going to get a lot more women than men... just saying. 😉

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