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Members' help needed :)

Hi IEers,
I’m Jess - we’re currently producing a podcast set to launch very soon that will explore different themes linked to sex and relationships. It’d be fantastic to get you lovely lot involved - feel free to share any funny stories/experiences you’ve had, e.g. first date fiascos, unexpected interruptions, nearly being caught – whatever it is you want to share, we’d love to hear it! You can even suggest topics you’d like to be covered in the podcast if you’d like!

It goes without saying that this is of course all going to be done anonymously - but if you feel more comfortable getting in touch privately, you can send me a a message here

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Comments (21)

Naughty in NW - 07 Nov, 2023 - 04:01PM

Yes, absolutely happy to help with this. Feel free to use my real name and photos too!!!

I mean.......really? What kind of request is this and who is 'we'? Thanks 'Jess' love, but count me out!

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