Hot or not?
Right, debate time! Is Nigel Farage now the hottest man on TV? Has he grown on you since his naked bath time escapades on I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here?Is he hot for a bloke going on almost 60 and the type you'd look for in a partner?
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Comments (59)
InspiredBy - 29 Nov, 2023 - 12:49PM
I think this debate was pre-settled (I will not reply because it says no offensive language in the comment rules). But let's have a referendum about it. STAY he is, LEAVE he isn't.
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ExoticOrchid - 29 Nov, 2023 - 08:24AM
I didn't realise there is *no* inflation in the EU or any other country in the whole world except here in the UK! 🤔 (a tub of Lurpak is under £3 now actually)
Oh I voted Remain btw.
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PonderingOne - 29 Nov, 2023 - 01:12AM
Nope, does nothing for me. :-). He may be charismatic and look good for his age but so does a mannequin with whom you could possibly have more empathy. I would rather take my chances and bath with a snake.
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Paula99 - 28 Nov, 2023 - 11:56PM
Politics now ….we might as well knock on the religion door while we’re at it 😖
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mipaulac - 28 Nov, 2023 - 11:16PM
Farage is a national hero and enevitably the jealousy is seeping out. Only Alex Salmond comes close to him in political ability and charisma. We all saw what a spurned women tried to do to him.
He gave the British people the vote they had been denied for 41 years over creeping constitutional change.
He is the epitome of freedom and democracy so SM junkies need to look elsewhere ....Jeremy Corbyn ??? 🤣
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Son Of Loki - 28 Nov, 2023 - 10:29PM
So he’s a ‘charlatan and complete dick’ who single handedly bought about a referendum and changed history .
As to your food inflation comment, look around the world, others have much higher food inflation, there is a Tik Tok craze of North Americans decrying 2 packs of ‘chips’ for $5, or an orange for $1
If you only imbibe UK MSB you are an unserious commentator
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1326897 - 28 Nov, 2023 - 10:00PM
I’m not arguing about the result (although I guess the majority are less the. Impressed at 45% increase in the price of butter and bread etc). It’s the fact that this charlatan managed to lure Cameron into the worst decision he ever made.
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