Do any of your friends know you're on IE ?
Do you tell anyone that you're on IE. ? Personally I don't. As much as I like my mates there is no way I'm telling them about this part of my life. The risk of them accidentally or otherwise telling someone and it getting around is just not worth it
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Comments (67)
1662557 - 22 May, 2024 - 02:01PM
I do, I have a couple of friends that know. Firstly for safety when meeting someone, I can tell them where I'm going etc and I check in with them. Secondly for a cover story. If I meet someone off here then I use my friends as a cover story and they have my back
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Secretmeetings - 20 May, 2024 - 09:00PM
I would never tell anyone, the whole secrecy bit is all part the fun for me.
1533797 - 19 May, 2024 - 06:43PM
None of my friend know I like to have this secret to myself and make my own judgements xx
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Somniata - 18 May, 2024 - 09:36PM
No, and I must say it's a heavy and hard secret to keep to myself!! I've come so close to saying something to my best friend or my cousin but hmm, decided it best not to.
Interestingly I have made a couple of friends here! They started off as a potential affairs obviously but we just drifted off into friendship. It works well because we are confidantes and there's little chance of them saying the wrong thing to the wrong person because first we don't have mutual connections and secondly we both have something to lose, if we betray each other.
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thenakedfarmer - 18 May, 2024 - 11:36AM
Id never say to anybody, nobody. Make sure you don't break down ..ha
For the ladies I can completely understand why they feel the safety reason to tell a close friend. Id think a close male friend maybe. Obviously not friends with hubby ..
You must trust them implicitly and I don't think you really can too easily these days. A previous lover would be a good start as a confidante .. just my 2 pennies.
rarity23 - 17 May, 2024 - 01:25PM
No, definitely not as per a similar would then lead to being found out !!!
I can understand a lady having someone she could tell though, even if just for her own safety
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Shaunysmile - 17 May, 2024 - 07:19AM
I have a few guys I know who know I’m on here ( they most likely are on it themselves)
I don’t tell anyone close as I feel like that’s putting them under pressure to keep secrets that they shouldn’t have too
Paula99 - 16 May, 2024 - 12:57PM
If you are travelling regularly to see your IE then it’s good to touch base with a friend you can rely on …you have to think about if you break down/have an accident /personal safety …how are you going to explain your whereabouts?
If you’re supposed to be working then you have the perfect excuse and you don’t need your ‘special ‘ friend ..
These are the reasons I won’t travel so far and as I have said in my previous post …the only person that knows little me 😁
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