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Tall Dark and Handsome (TDH)

Most of the lasses are searching for the elusive "Tall, Dark and Handsome (TDH) bloke".  Plus they want him to be humorous, rich, flashy cars, amazing holidays, brilliant shopping trips and lasting in bed until cows come home! I understand that if you want to dream and demand then might as well go for the sky. But are you missing the trick here? Are you discounting genuine gentlemen who might be average looking but are great human beings? They might not have six packs and"Arnold muscles", but they can be sensitive and humorous and probably great in bed as well?

So my quick question - if physical attributes are a mismatch + you want to keep the whole thing a secret affair then how much does those "physical features" matter to you?  Is your end goal not to have a great time whenever you meet? Each lass over here probably has around at least 20 lads chasing her and probably she can afford to be choosy ... but does it really work out? 

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Comments (75)

Paula99 - 21 Sep, 2024 - 02:09PM


When you typed that post ….how many drinks 🍷 had you consumed….in English please 😂😂😂

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Unwoke! - 21 Sep, 2024 - 10:59AM

I've no doubt that everyone here has an idea of their 'perfect' lover - even if it's not explicitly articulated (even to themselves!). Stepping back from the unattainable we've then got various attributes we find more or less attractive in a mate so we enter a sort of internal 'negotiation' with ourselves - "I'm not keen on this but I'll accept it to get that".
The trouble is, because there are as many permutations of 'this' and 'that' as there are people on the planet nobody can identify, in advance, what mix of 'this' and 'that' they'll ultimately find acceptable.
It's the ritual mating dance we all have to go through! Does it work? Of course it does! Seven billion and counting!

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1494077 - 21 Sep, 2024 - 10:25AM

Bacchus111 - 19 Sep, 2024 - 08:17PM

I wonder how many of these women that you have set the challenge to have already done just that - gone out of their comfort zone? 🤔

I can quite comfortably say that I have. To the point that I can say I know the type of man that I seek, and the type of man who is able to fully appreciate what I have to offer him.

Paula99 - 20 Sep, 2024 - 04:18PM


Maybe you should do your own experiment at dating ‘out of the comfort zone ‘ …post your results..😉
While I do agree with parts of your post you are looking at with tunnel vision…if I make a post on here I am talking from experience…it’s always good to see both sides of the coin but what you will discover is ….there is always a grey area….Yes I have dated out of my comfort zone..💭

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EmnEm123 - 20 Sep, 2024 - 02:54PM


You state that you have preferences.

Have you dated out of your comfort zone?

I'm a woman, I have never said 'see the real me, don't just look at my age or my weight '.

I understand that preferences work both ways.

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Bacchus111 - 19 Sep, 2024 - 08:17PM

I totally agree with you, we all have our preferences I certainly do. I guess what a lot of guys are railing against is what women have have been dealing with for ages.
Women have fought against objectification, the idea that they are more than just than their looks, every woman now says 'see the real me don't just look at my age or my weight'.
The problem is that if men now determine partners on breast size, slimness, long legs ect then we are cancelled or shouted down as misogynists but when men are objectified women tell us to 'just man up'
The challenge I put to all women who don't answer back after the dreaded photo exchange is to be brave and try this experiment. Deliberately date someone out of your comfort zone. I'd love to here how that experiment goes

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EmnEm123 - 19 Sep, 2024 - 02:30PM


Well that would go without saying?

But I don't think that is what you're saying. You're not TDH and you're annoyed about women having that preference.

Do you not have preferences? And what does the 'they did you a massive favour ' comment mean?

1706211 - 18 Sep, 2024 - 05:54PM

Hi EmnEm123

Ah that didn't come across very well did it!

I was simply listing less attractive traits that any man, self included, could have that more than counters the attractiveness of TDH.

EmnEm123 - 18 Sep, 2024 - 12:47PM


Why do you presume that TDH men are crap in bed and have no sense of humour?

It sounds like you're projecting!

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1695407 - 18 Sep, 2024 - 12:17PM


I always get the photo reveal in early. It can save an awful lot of time & disappointment from both sides.
My bugbear is getting ghosted rather than a simple, no thanks.

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