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The Bell Pepper Code

I was chatting with a friend about how we all should come up with a fun, low-key way to signal to others that we’re... how shall we say, open to meeting someone new in public?

So, what if we start a secret code in the most mundane place of all – THE SUPERMARKET. It’s perfect! No one would ever suspect that your weekly food shop could lead to something a lot more... sizzling. ๐Ÿ›’

Here’s the deal: If you’re at the supermarket, feeling adventurous and maybe not quite as satisfied at home as you should be, you simply put TWO BELL PEPPERS in your trolley/basket BUT the stems have to be facing downward. That’s the key… It’s like a secret handshake, but with veg.

Think about it. You’re casually browsing the aisles, and suddenly you spot someone with the telltale peppers in their basket. Your eyes meet. There’s a knowing glance. An instant connection, all thanks to a couple of peppers. 

What do we reckon? Secret meets in Tescos? ๐Ÿ˜

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Comments (104)

Paula99 - 21 Oct, 2024 - 11:14AM

According to my father when he was in the armyโ€ฆ the soldiers used to put OMO in the window โ€ฆfor those who dont know but OMO was washing powder but it was a secret code for โ€ฆOld Man Out ๐Ÿ˜‚

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MoonMoon - 21 Oct, 2024 - 11:09AM

Worked for me, kind of! Tescos in Beckton is the place to be... I went there on Friday night, picked up my couple of peppers and headed for the frozen aisle. Next to the yorkshire puds I noticed someone else with peppers in their trolley, there was a bit of an awkward smile and we spoke for a bit. I don't think we we were quite right for each other but it was nice to have a chat with someone else who clearly isn't happen in their relationship. I'll keep this up! If enough people do it, we could actually be on to something here โ€“ and even if I don't find a lover, it's comforting to see I'm not the only one having issue at home!

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1648884 - 21 Oct, 2024 - 12:41AM

Haha has worked out for anyone?

Tatty Old Lady - 19 Oct, 2024 - 05:55PM

There was a similar signal in the '80s! A pair of grapefruit in your trolley.
Being a young Army wife with two young'uns and a husband on a 6 month UNFICYP tour, I used to get a couple of trolley loads of shopping a month with that.

Paula99 - 19 Oct, 2024 - 05:18PM

Time for the the ๐Ÿซ‘ code to Bellend ๐Ÿ™„

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highlanderguy1 - 19 Oct, 2024 - 12:54PM

Loving it..

1715779 - 18 Oct, 2024 - 09:27PM

So yellow means Green or Red, I guess it's colour coded?

ExoticOrchid - 18 Oct, 2024 - 09:10PM


Looks like some are really getting into it so doubt it'll be ๐Ÿšฎ

1494077 - 18 Oct, 2024 - 09:00PM

Put this topic in the same place as the ones about age, boob/penis size.


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1074595 - 18 Oct, 2024 - 08:55PM

I would say some sort of unisex beacelet or neck-ribbon (riband?) would be the way to do it. It would need to be a certain colour or style but the same for both sexes.

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