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Real name vs alias

In the interest of being discreet, I generally do not give out my real name until I really know my IE partner. It's not that I'm hiding anything, but I've been burnt before so like to play it safe.

How do others feel about aliases and should we be disclosing our real names before we have sex?

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Comments (26)

1727600 - 17 Dec, 2024 - 09:27AM

i only give after chatting a while

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boav91 - 17 Dec, 2024 - 06:42AM

Funnily enough my name on the site is not my real name, in case anyone had not guessed. I used to use my middle name to tell people. I rarely use that but also not a lie and something I am not really associated with anywhere. You won’t find me in a google search doing that.

With my IE we told each other real names when we began to trust each other and now knows pretty much everything including first name, and a bit more too

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Paula99 - 16 Dec, 2024 - 06:09PM

Ist names are ok with me …

If you continue to see your IE and it becomes long term ( over 12 months).. then it is inevitable that small elements of your life will become obvious by then you should be completely comfortable with your IE to trust him with your family jewels …😁

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1544105 - 16 Dec, 2024 - 05:02PM

I don't have a problem with a woman keeping her real name, or other details confidential from myself. I always give my real 1st name as soon as I'm asked. Sometimes I don't know if I should do this. But I try to be as honest and transparent as I can on IE.
For my IE date, I want them to be as comfortable as they can possibly be. If withholding personal info helps, then fine.

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1730254 - 16 Dec, 2024 - 02:32PM

First name is fine for me (it’s a common enough name). No real need for any IE to know my second name as far as I see it.

You do have to be careful about messaging apps though. - WhatsApp does like to trade information into Instagram and Facebook- I’ve had people I’ve chatted with turn up on Facebook so I could see their names, photos, posts etc.

This is why I prefer Telegram.

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Oldgroovy - 16 Dec, 2024 - 10:58AM

I'm with you there. An alias or just a forename are sufficient until you really get to know each other.

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