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Flirt Forum

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Bodies & Age

Do you believe men have unrealistic expectations on what a woman should look like beyond the age...

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Any advice for a first time affair?ย 

Been on numerous dates with a beautiful woman from here and think she's wonderful,...

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What's the most unattractive outfit a date has ever turned up in to meet you?

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Personal Maintenance

I prefer a facially well groomed man with a beard or not. But have met men who neglect certain...

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First date?

What's a good first date idea? It's yonks since I've last been to a restaurant....

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Meeting my IE for the first time...

I am planning on meeting my IE for the first time. We have spent a lot of time talking and now we...

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Dating tips

Feel like I have been out of the dating game for so long, it's almost like relearning an...

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What matters more, looks or personality?

I'm conflicted. I prefer sharing my pw only after chatting to someone for a...

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Inopportune encounters

I had the oddest IE experience at the weekend.

There I was in Chester Tesco, not...

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Weight loss in relationships

My friend has lost a couple of stone on the Ozempic diet and now she's started flirting with...

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What Defines Attraction?

Bearing in mind we’re all meeting each other initially via “Cyberspace” and not...

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