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** LIVE NOW ** Distance & IEs
How do you feel about the distance between you and a potential IE? For example, I receive...
Anyone have a nice meet planned with their IE before Christmas? Do you do gifts or is that too much?
Is anyone else enjoying the freedom of kids back to school and the chance to start arranging...
What Happens At Glasto....Stays At Glasto!
Saucy illicit hook ups - holidays/festivals/getaways are the ideal excuse right?
And at the close of the most beautiful day this year and with everyone else out for the...
Happy Valentine's Day - Let's share our best (and worse) Valentine's Day...
My resolution, is to have an affair. Wow, it feels so good to get that in writing. As a newcomer...
It's Christmas week and I have my final date of 2021 planned Thursday with my IE. Who else...
Any date ideas for the winter? Not a fan of the restaurant or drinks date so anything innovative...
Who has decided to continue seeing their IE with new restrictions? Personally I feel once I have...
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