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Flirt Forum

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** LIVE NOW ** Distance & IEs

How do you feel about the distance between you and a potential IE? For example, I receive...

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I need an alibi buddy! Any advice?

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S&M - seems to crop up on so many profiles. Is 50 shades still to blame, isn't that a bit...

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Now it's the holiday season...

...how do affairs work at this time? Anyone struggle when their I.E is on holiday? Is it...

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...at first sight

Has anyone ever experienced a love-struck romantic attraction for a stranger? Had this feeling...

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Freedom Day!

Who has plans to finally go on a normal date without a mask? 

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When you're getting pretty interested in an IE...

When you're getting pretty interested in an ie and you start to think it would be misleading...

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Dreaming of a city break

Assuming there were no green, amber or red countries and you could travel freely... which country...

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Who's with me?

Okay, so it took one or two meets, but I feel like I've finally got my confidence back. Being...

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Who is with me?

Yes!! The pubs are open!!! Who is out celebrating this week? I've never been so excited...

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Was lockdown the final straw that led you to seek out an affair?

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Hi Everyone!

I had my vaccine 2 weeks ago and I am now considering meeting my IE...

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