Get me out!!
Yes, I have met someone via the site and I want to meet them. We have had quick 30 minute coffees in the park but now I want to spend some real time with her. Does an office meeting seem a plausible excuse if I'm working from home since March?
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Comments (86)
1711872 - 01 Nov, 2024 - 07:25PM
Seems reasonable - so long as not a Saturday or Sunday :)
What excuse do you make to sneak off to the park for a coffee :)
Clickable Connection - 01 Nov, 2024 - 09:13AM
Could not agree more ! If you're asking if something is a legitimate excuse then you've obviously not thought through how this is going to work for you , and how you plan on integrating into your life.
Noone here can advise if a office meeting is a plausible excuse , only you know what your normal pattern is.
I do find this alot (men or women ) - alot of first timers , sign up here , love the idea of an affair, but have no clue how to integrate it into their lives. Folks - please think how this would work for you and how you would take the necessary precautions. If you dont it's likely you'll get caught and not only ruin you life but that if someone else's ......why ?? All because you didn't think it through
Seriously how hard is it ?
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Enigma.. - 28 Oct, 2024 - 10:58AM
Oh! Yes please.
There’s a convenient field just next to where I live for the helicopter to land on 😃😉.
I’d better notify the local airport though as I wouldn’t want the pilot to get into trouble 🫤😂.
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Enigma.. - 28 Oct, 2024 - 09:04AM
If it’s hookups you are looking for then move up here north of the border.
Why? Because most of the males up here are only looking for casual sex and hookups.
Not short or long term “affairs” 🙄🤷🏼♀️.
I’m thinking of moving to the London area…. If only lol.
Why? Because there seems to be more males members available, they are active online, have the availability and time to actually meet up and there is a far better choice of restaurants, bars etc…. In London 😃🍾🥂🍽️🍹.
Anyone know the number of a reliable chauffeur driving car company? lol 😂😉.
Or can someone lend me their private jet 🛩️😂
ExoticOrchid - 26 Oct, 2024 - 03:44PM
Arista - 03:02PM
For you perhaps (and some others) but no, absolutely *not* for everyone.
Each to their own.
Arista - 26 Oct, 2024 - 03:02PM
??affairs?? on here not really just quickies, surely
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Paula99 - 24 Oct, 2024 - 04:25PM
Enigma is correct about the ‘office routine ‘ its applies to both sexes…who is going to wait around for your prospective affair to ‘get his/her life in order??
In fairness to Unwoke …I can see what he is getting at ….but you must be already in your ‘office routine ‘ and not starting off…
Personally if a guy can’t produce some real evidence that he’s available on a certain days as he usually goes to the workspace/ climbing wall/book club/golf etc etc etc..then it’s a non starter …!!!
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Enigma.. - 24 Oct, 2024 - 07:34AM
Good idea about working in the office.
But ask yourself this!?! 🤔.
How many female members would be willing to wait for weeks until you establish your office routine!?!
I certainly wouldn’t 🫤.
Paula99 - 24 Oct, 2024 - 05:29AM
My thoughts into this question remain the same whether is 2021..2024 …the more you make your lifestyle/affair ‘normal’ then this doesn’t arouse suspicion…go to the gym /pool….learn to paint/ other pastime…these should be intergrated into your ‘usual pattern’…only then will you have legitimate reasons to be away from the home…it’s like most things you have to put a plan of action …if questions do surface…. such as my friend from work goes to that ‘book club’ ..what are you reading etc etc?????
Know your audience 😁
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