How can you tell?
How can you tell if your prospective IE is just as great in real life as they seem in their chat? I'm loving talking online, and I really hope he lives up to my expectations...How can I certify my gut feelings!
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Comments (110)
AsianGent1986 - 29 Aug, 2024 - 06:25PM
How would you certify a great sounding guy on a normal dating platform? You can’t. iE is the same.
Sometimes things are not as organic in person. It is what it is. But as they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
JerseyGuy - 22 Aug, 2024 - 01:17PM
The obvious and foolproof way is to meet up. I can usually suss someone out face to face with 30 seconds...
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Funguy77 - 21 Aug, 2024 - 11:05AM
Massage on app Phone chat FaceTime coffee in that order then meet have a snog decision to Bin or Keep job done 👍 lol
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Funtimes258 - 20 Aug, 2024 - 09:10PM
I would do a couple of video chats before to get a feeling and then meet. Always trust your gut.
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Bacchus111 - 20 Aug, 2024 - 08:42PM
I think the best way is to just have a telephone conversation before meeting. That will allow you to moderate your expectations and reduce the anxiety when you do meet
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Life is a beach - 18 Aug, 2024 - 12:01AM
You get an idea when you start chatting to the person, however, you don't know until you meet them.
I met a couple of people after chatting to them, they were very nice but they weren't for me.
I started chatting to my now IE, I had that gut feeling about him. It was only cemented when I met him.
Trust your gut feelings and certify them by meeting the person
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LifeExplorerAZ - 17 Aug, 2024 - 10:17PM
Let’s see what might happen. We had a great chat online, decided to meet and the partner suddenly cannot hold a conversation.
Maybe they got nervous. It happens to the best at times.
Maybe they used AI to write their chat messages and in real life suddenly don’t have this assistance handy.
Did we wasted time? Potentially. If all other things are good then maybe we’ll even give this another chance!
During an online chat our brain creates an expectation. When we meet in person these expectations might hinder our chances. We should bear this in mind too.
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BeardsRule - 17 Aug, 2024 - 09:34PM
You have no idea. So meet. The reverse is clearer though - if they are a dud online it’s probably going to be worse in real life.
MDB2012 - 17 Aug, 2024 - 09:18PM
Is this place actually good? I am keen to subscribe so I can interact but sceptical
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