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Is one IE enough?

How many on here have actually been completely monogamous with their IE?
How many have cheated (if that's a thing) on their IE with another (or multiple) IE?
Were you honest with your IE?
And how many still have any sort of sexual relationship with their spouse?

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Comments (147)

justtheguynextdoor - 06 Mar, 2025 - 09:57PM

I guess it all depends on the person or even persons! Personally I would like to find just one lady to share time with who hopefully wants the same from me. No right or wrong it is whatever works for you I guess.

LadyBellatrix - 05 Mar, 2025 - 08:46PM

Variety is the spice of life
I’m not here looking for a second husband I’m here to enjoy myself
More the merrier

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Here we go 693 - 04 Mar, 2025 - 12:40PM

Personally, I prefer to go with just one. A lot of this is for my own sanity, but mostly it's because I want to explore as much as I can about the person I'm with and I just don't have the time to do this with more than one person.

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boav91 - 03 Mar, 2025 - 03:06PM

So I guess it comes down to what you want. You certainly can get more and varied experiences by having more than one IE but my experience in the past is that does not make it better. Better I think has come from having someone who has the same desire and mentality and wish to explore each others desires and wishes. This only comes from getting to know someone really well. Can you do that with more than one person, yes, but it is hard and not something I could manage therefore I am happy with my one IE.

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EmnEm123 - 02 Mar, 2025 - 08:45PM

Crikey, most are complaining that they don't receive replies to messages, therefore never meet anyone. By my calculation that's not adding up to multiple IE's?

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Paula99 - 02 Mar, 2025 - 07:19PM

At one time I would have said it’s difficult to manage more than one IE…but the quality of prospective affairs just isn’t there anymore…..also time windows are sketchy to say the least plus we are fishing in a pool not a river…
We are all busy people and it’s our duty to fill every hour of our lives with multiple hobbies/pastimes besides what we have at home ….BUT in saying that it seems to be more possible now because the ‘affairs ‘ are not immediate and more short term….so multiple people can be ‘fitted in’…in layman’s terms you are having regular sex but with more than one person …of course it goes without saying…you must take care of your sexual heath..

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Linger1982 - 02 Mar, 2025 - 04:59PM

For me personally, yes one IE is enough and unless agreed otherwise, that should be enough if you are with the right person that you have met the right person.

But I have met and been intimate with someone from IE and we agreed afterwards to an exclusive affair, only to find him actively searching for another IE connection afterwards. So disappointing, but probably my fault for taking his word as being true and honest! Fool me once.. shame on you and all that!

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Expandmyhorizons - 27 Dec, 2024 - 12:11PM

My answers are:
1. No, not monogamous with my IE.
2. Not cheating in my eyes and yes have had multiple.
3. Am always open and say I do see others.
4. Yes, relationship with partner, but almost platonic.

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1709555 - 18 Dec, 2024 - 12:53PM

I think when you’re first looking for an IE (or any dating) it’s acceptable to have dates with two or more people for a short while. But once you’ve clicked, one only. So many reasons, including health, but for myself I simply don’t have the headspace or time to date more than one person. Quite apart from the problems of remembering who said what, to whom, and when?

Happy Henry - 17 Dec, 2024 - 01:52PM

Definitely only time and energy for one at a time, and no desire to test that - although no judgement from me for those, male or female, who do.

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