Should I keep my options open?
I am currently speaking to 2 people I met via IE, they have both asked me to be exclusive. Should I keep in touch with both of them or decide on just one?
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Comments (132)
1342980 - 07 Mar, 2025 - 04:18PM
As a male on the site I find the ladies don’t want get into a conversation. I’ve tried dozens of different approaches and still no response. There are some that say they are speaking to a gentleman they like and get on with but still on here months later. Nobody get wants to get to know you and they have no idea of the person there chatting with. Very odd !
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Bikerdude69 - 07 Mar, 2025 - 02:32PM
I'm struggling to find one , your lucky
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SirrahNek - 07 Mar, 2025 - 01:39PM
Solid advice from Paula99! I've only had to visit a clinic once (for tests after coming back from a job which involved working with people who were infected - so just a precaution). I don't want to have to repeat that experience. I don't imagine that anyone does!
Paula99 - 07 Mar, 2025 - 12:32PM
You don’t need to ‘rush’ to the STI clinic …you can order a kit online which is self explanatory…you will get the results back in a week …at least when you phone the doctors you will have something to argue your case when trying to get past the dragons on reception to get an emergency appointment…😊
Be careful with multiple IEs..
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SirrahNek - 06 Mar, 2025 - 08:37PM
It depends doesn't it? If you're still casting around to find the ideal partner then yes - keep your options open. No one could (reasonably) object to that, and if they did I'd see it as a bright flashing warning sign. After all, if they object to you casting around then think how much more objectionable they'll be about your real-life partner (if you have one). The lawyers will be popping champagne corks.
On the other hand, I can see why they might object once your affair starts in earnest. No one wants to go home with an embarrassing rash and a sudden need to visit the GUM clinic. That would take some explaining!
Paula99 - 04 Mar, 2025 - 05:23AM
The chances are …if you are speaking to 2 people then the OP is doing the same ….there is no harm in keeping your options open ….the right person will soon appear ….bit of advice is some just want a pen pal …get to the meet stage as quickly as possible..only then will you really know 🤔
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FreddieKat - 03 Mar, 2025 - 09:59AM
I like to have lots of female friends and couldn't accept anyone asking me to be "exclusive" to them! Once I have a friend with benefits, I'm exclusive to that person.
1653842 - 05 May, 2024 - 03:58PM
Had this situation was in conversation with a lady with lots of texts etc . Was very happy to be excusive .We had not yet met so would she like me in reality ? Then I got a VK and when I did not reply immediately was harangued .I explained that I was speaking to somone and got endlessly hassled to message her and presumably meet .Then it turned out it was either the same lady or her friend. So that ended that ! A lucky escape !!
EmnEm123 - 11 Apr, 2024 - 09:40PM
Not sure if the OP is M or F but if it's a M he would have to remember that it would be easy for a woman to set up another profile, free!
Don't know how much men pay but surely they're not throwing money around to check up on people.
It doesn't seem that anyone has met up, can't expect exclusivity. Who knows if one or both will flake.
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