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I need an alibi buddy! Any advice?

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Comments (119)

SirrahNek - 08 Mar, 2025 - 07:46PM

I'm inclined to agree with everyone who suggests a hobby which gives you a plausible reason for getting away. I also recommend being forgetful (because electronic devices can be tracked). You wouldn't believe how often I leave my phone behind! Silly me. I'm such a muggins.
I also have a hobby which enables me to get away for hours (or days) at a time. And usually, yes, I am doing that hobby (because I really like it!) - it's just that sometimes I might not be.
Oh, and I reckon it'd be wise to start this hobby some time before embarking on anything which might require an alibi. Of course, you might already have such a hobby - in which case, crack on!

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Paula99 - 08 Mar, 2025 - 06:01PM

I used to date a guy …his alibi was the Climbing Wall …he did go on a regular basis but he would use this ‘nookie night ‘

Your ‘excuses’ should be viable so your lies are ‘little white ones ‘ that don’t arise suspicion…Women are exceptionally good at noticing changes in behaviour …this is where guys fail miserably ….hide everything in plain sight!!!!!😇

tmn2024 - 08 Mar, 2025 - 03:17PM

Crispy - sorry, it does look like I was addressing you directly but I wasn't, I hadn't even read your post to be honest. I was directly addressing the original question about someone looking for an alibi. My "no no no" was meant to be an emphatic disagreement that an alibi it what is required.

All good.

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Crispy - 08 Mar, 2025 - 12:47PM

Tmn2024 - I did say start a new hobby..... Walks can involve your other half and as you've said once they start to think walking for 5 hours on a weekend is for you but not for them then you've got time to walk and take advantage of this time for other activities - whatever they are....

You've got to think that for a while your life is a routine isn't it so you need to break that with new things.... there will be likely restistance if it isn't for them, it's for you, you just need to remember that....

Music - ha ha ha, mate, I can't carry a chooon..
That is something that WOULD be seen through.

laugar164 - 08 Mar, 2025 - 11:06AM

No no no
You need to re think this

tmn2024 - 08 Mar, 2025 - 10:28AM

No no no no. Wrong mindset! You don't need an alibi, you need a whole new life pattern.

You start acting out of pattern, and every time there's an excuse or a story, you won't last five minutes in this game, I can tell you that.

You have to slowly, over time, make new life pathways that will become normalised. So for example, start moaning that you're feeling lethargic and then join a gym. For real. Then actually go to the gym, involve your real partner in your new activity, ask him/her for their support as you try to better yourself. But then later, when their risk radar has died well down, you use the regular gym visits as your alibi. You should still attend the gym regularly, but you've now got something that's yours that you can use as an alibi sometimes.

Take up a new musical instrument and go get tuition on it. Again, you'll have to attend the lessons, but who's to say you don't tell your real partner that you have two or three lessons a week, when in fact you've got only one?

Rise and repe

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Crispy - 08 Mar, 2025 - 09:25AM

Morning folks......

Interesting question.....
I mean there is so much that can go wrong if you talk to anyone, wouldn't you just want to keep this for yourself.....
Use your bestie, but indirectly.... I'm going out with.... or they fancy a chat.... or something that is normal.

Involving others ...... not sure I'd like that but agree with an earlier comment - get a new hobby, swimming or squash (if you are sporty) something that'll take you away from the house for a couple of house and you can do them in the day and evenings if your local venues apply.....
Long walks..... you have a sudden urge to get into nature.....

What is everyones thoughts?

1743108 - 22 Jan, 2025 - 06:16PM

A palibi?

Unwoke! - 16 Jan, 2025 - 02:02PM

Yeah, DON'T!

Anyone else who knows what you're up to is then complicit in your lying (not fair on them) plus is a potential leak.

Harrys60 - 14 Jan, 2025 - 03:04PM

An alibi is a lie and a lie will trip you up in the end.
It's new year
Start a new "hobby" that takes you away from your usual routine

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