To Clown or Not to Clown?
What's better - a witty, tongue in cheek profile, or something more genuine/serious?
Do women prefer funny or earnest 🙂
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Comments (190)
1586700 - 02 Feb, 2024 - 09:00PM
A bit of wit can go a long way, it also (hopefully) says something about you, earnest shopping lists dont do much for me, however give something of yourself ..
Funguy77 - 02 Feb, 2024 - 10:51AM
Dentist: This will hurt.
Patient: OK.
Dentist: I've been having an affair with your wife since last year.
Funguy77 - 31 Jan, 2024 - 01:12PM
Top 20 questions to ask your potential IE PART TWO
If you were a wizard, what spell would you use to make daily life more interesting?
What's your weirdest childhood habit that you've carried into adulthood?
If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be and what would you ask them?
If you were a dessert, what would you be and why?
What's the funniest thing that happened to you recently?
If you could create a new holiday, what would it celebrate and how would people observe it?
What fictional character do you think would be the worst roommate?
If you could time travel and witness any event in history, what would it be?
What's the most bizarre job you can imagine yourself doing for a day?
If your life was a sitcom, what would be the title, and who would play you in it?
Funguy77 - 31 Jan, 2024 - 01:10PM
Top 20 questions to ask your potential IE before agreeing to a date ( PART ONE)
If you could have any superpower, but only use it to solve mundane daily problems, what would it be?
What's your go-to dance move when no one's watching?
If you were a fruit, what fruit would you be and why?
What's your weirdest talent that you secretly pride yourself on?
If animals could talk, which one do you think would be the most sarcastic?
What's the most unusual food combination you enjoy?
If your life had a theme song, what would it be and why?
If you could switch lives with any fictional character for a day, who would it be?
What's your favorite dad joke or cheesy pick-up line?
If aliens visited Earth and you were the first human they encountered, how would you explain our planet to them?
1645560 - 26 Jan, 2024 - 10:05AM
Poor guy what a problem to have! I had an affair with a woman that would masturbate 3x a day. She would always be sending me pics of her going off to the ladies room, fortunately when we would meet she was able to chain multiple orgasms and it was so nice having her shaking away for a couple of hours, without having to fight for it. She told me neurofen helped to take the edge off, idk if there is any science there or its a placebo effect but its a cheap thing to try!
In terms of the Q; I prefer a genuine profile but not serious.. with a bit of humour as its a fun space. I think personally the worst profiles are where the woman is pretending her life is perfect (so why are you here) or basically treating a guy like a wallet with a list of demands. I pay for things because I want to, not because I'm buying you.
Harrickdavid4 - 26 Jan, 2024 - 01:02AM
I decided to reposted this
You’re not doing anything wrong and sex 3/4times a week is a marathon for a woman..
She needs to try another outlet …as I see it will never change unless she realises that’s it’s her that needs some help…you can support her and encourage her to find another way to climax…clearly she is ultra sensitive..👍
Funguy77 - 25 Jan, 2024 - 10:17PM
Really about three quarters of the profiles on here are automated. Yet to see one that stands out
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James with the bluest eyes - 25 Jan, 2024 - 09:38PM
Having a witty saying or quick tongue can be fun, and laughter is the best medicine. Added to that the genuine person, who knows why you are together, and if sincere, the seriousness can begin.
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