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How do you know?

I am iffing and umming about taking the plunge and having an affair. I've met someone I really like, and now we want to take it to the next level. How can I be sure this is the right thing for me... I've never done anything like this before.

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Comments (236)

Paula99 - 07 Mar, 2025 - 06:25PM

Nostalgia and longing for our past is part n parcel of life …the yearning for the good times and also the regrets that tend to knock our confidence..
I always remember the long summers when I was a child and the family holidays …those are the places where the memories are created….but there are somethings that cannot be replicated…..having an affair doesn’t always tick the boxes we require but we can have our extra marital moments as long as we take them for what they are ….if your gut feelings are telling you ‘don’t go there ‘ then it’s up to you ….😊

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SirrahNek - 07 Mar, 2025 - 05:21PM

@purplesky. So right. But I'm going to suggest that if you treat the site and the people on it like a cattle market then perhaps you'll never know, and it'll never be right, because that connection will never be made. I'm going to guess that, particularly for those of us who've been in a relationship for a long time (and especially those of us who'd like it to stay that way), what we miss are the butterflies (what one poet on this site described as the 'curling feeling' of the butterflies). We want to feel them again, we want to be fancied, wanted… A wham bam thank you mister / ma'am is probably not what most people want.

We long for the warm summer nights and kisses at the bottom of the garden that we enjoyed in our teenage years. We want to be teenagers again (just not with teenagers this time - that'd be weird!)

tmn2024 - 06 Mar, 2025 - 08:09AM

I think the very fact that you are registered and active on this site is an indication that you are already drawn to having an affair. I think you should take note of that and act accordingly. Mind you, if you've already met someone and you say you WANT to take it to the next level, it seems to suggest that you've already made your decision, so I'm not entirely sure what it is you expect to achieve by posting your question here! Are you waiting for us to talk you out of it? Because that's not gunna happen here lol

1742166 - 06 Mar, 2025 - 06:53AM

You'll be sure when you make the right connection

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The Lush - 25 Feb, 2025 - 12:22AM

You can't be sure. That's why you just have to suck it and see...

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PoundCakeRecipe - 22 Feb, 2025 - 10:25PM

Strange question to be asking at this stage. Alas, I can't speak for a woman but if you are a man and you are unsure you could always rub one out....

...the post nut clarity will ensure that you are taking a step because you genuinely want an affair or if it is just some dirty sex you want because you are horny.

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Princess0121 - 22 Feb, 2025 - 10:09PM

Am not sure about what you are trying to imply. Let me try and break this down. You are currently on this website and don't know what it’s about.

Be honest about what it is that you want stop iffing and umming about it and take the plunge.

Life is too short for such nonsense

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justtheguynextdoor - 22 Feb, 2025 - 09:14PM

Generally if it feels right it is right. One thing is for sure making the decision needs a lot of time and consideration as things will never be the same again whatever happens. Personally think the thing you have to be the most comfortable with is accepting that your actions will have consequences.

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Jellybean1980 - 22 Feb, 2025 - 07:25PM

I'm a great believer in knowing when something feels right. If you are questioning it, then maybe you are not quite ready? Only you know that for sure?

Nothing ventured nothing gained and it's better to live your life with regretting something you did do rather than what you didn't do. If you really like this person, then maybe just give yourself the gift of time. It's not a race after all xx

SexiEyes - 22 Feb, 2025 - 01:28PM

Take the plunge, but 1st make sure you have a video call to make sure they are who they say they are ..I didn't do this and was shocked when we decided to meet lol

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