Hi Everyone!
I had my vaccine 2 weeks ago and I am now considering meeting my IE (he has also had his). Anyone else considering this also?
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Comments (82)
ExoticOrchid - 18 May, 2021 - 03:33PM
TC - 03:26PM
Ahh OK!
(I'm sure you're awesome as well 😉)
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1448320 - 18 May, 2021 - 03:26PM
I like to think it's because I'm awesome but in actual fact it's because I have a history of asthma. Even though I play rugby, cycle and swim due to it being mild and well managed, the powers that be pushed me up the list.
ExoticOrchid - 18 May, 2021 - 02:14PM
TechCowboy - 18 May, 2021 - 02:02PM
How come you've already had both your shots when you're only 46???
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1448320 - 18 May, 2021 - 02:02PM
I am pleased to say that I have now had both my shots but disappointed that I haven't had the side effects I have heard about. I haven't grown 2 - 4 inches or gained any of Bill Gates's rugged good looks. Still, chin up.......
1449137 - 20 Apr, 2021 - 08:37PM
No, i dont want to meet your IE.
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1386755 - 11 Apr, 2021 - 10:24PM
.I don't think anyone has to explain their personal choices to you .Seriously .
1386735 - 11 Apr, 2021 - 03:52PM
My point was what is she waiting for exactly, I was not LAMBASTING her, I was asking a question. COVID is not going away and remember for the majority it is a relatively mild illness,
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1386755 - 10 Apr, 2021 - 09:24PM
To add to this debate it that seems to me somewhat spurious that someone who has defied lockdown guidelines and has met throughout the pandemic is critical of someone who is guarding their health . .If everyone ignored guidelines then Covid definitely wouldn't ever go away .I can't see why anyone can be lambasted for not meeting up for an illicit encounter during a pandemic. Further on we will all be adjusting the goalposts regarding meeting probably as the virus wanes with mass vaccination.
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1417062 - 10 Apr, 2021 - 11:09AM
Completely agree, nothing to do with me...but if you are going to post in a public forum, expect the fallout.
I know about reduced immunity...I could write an essay here but I won’t,
Putting in the category of women on here that just want the attention and don’t actually meet. Like I said before COVID is not going away.
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