Does it become easier?
For those who have been on IE for some time, I'm interested to hear how your approach to affairs and finding a suitable partner may have changed with experience compared to when you first started. Does it become easier to know what you're looking for and to manage an affair successfully over time or is each one different? What did you learn along the way
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Comments (98)
PoundCakeRecipe - 28 Feb, 2025 - 09:22PM
Everyone's journey is different. Extramarital relationship success is stochastic in nature, very difficult to predict and highly dependant on both parties needs on a case by case basis.
Some longer term affairs can be either deeply passionate where the lines between lust and love become blurred... or some simply become deep freindships. In addition, shorter term affairs can be mind blowing or very regrettable... that is part of the adventure.
To be more direct with your initial question. No.
The frequency won't change too much for most nor will the relational entropy as this is not in your control.
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Ms Cashmere - 27 Feb, 2025 - 11:17PM
I've learnt that it's so important to go at your own pace. If s/he is right for you, they will understand. If they're not right for you, amicably move on. Worst case scenario, s/he will throw a digital strop and/or ghost...never pleasant and definitely not matter how personal s/he 'chooses' to get. Some people do not handle patience and/or rejection well and it shows. ...go at your own pace anyway. No is a complete sentence.
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Cheryl Kim - 27 Feb, 2025 - 09:39PM
I think we have to treat everybody as an individual and have the patience to learn about them over time. There will come a time when you crossover from novel / tentative to established / comfortable. That is when it becomes easier.
1756958 - 27 Feb, 2025 - 06:26PM
I'm a REAL veteran. I've been on IE for around twenty seven minutes...and I can honestly say that I've learned a lot during my time here. When I was much younger man (roughly fifteen minutes ago), I just sent messages left and right but now - in my increasingly mature minutes, I'm a lot more picky and careful about who I approach. Here's to the next hour!
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Ms Cashmere - 27 Feb, 2025 - 12:58PM
Be confident in your skin (mentally and physically) and know what you want, it will become easier. Do not entertain nonsense (subjective) for the sake of someone to chat to. Uphold your standards and be patient. You're not for everyone, everyone is not for you and that's perfectly okay. 👌
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tmn2024 - 27 Feb, 2025 - 11:06AM
I haven't been on here for long so I can't really help. If I'm still here in six months time I'll let you know.....though on the other hand, if I'm still here in six months time then I think the answer will already be clear :))
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Lookingatu - 27 Feb, 2025 - 10:40AM
Hi I'm all new to this so not sure what to expect
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Man_Alive_2025 - 27 Feb, 2025 - 08:56AM
It does get easier because I think over time one gets a better idea of who would make an ideal partner.initially I was flattered by any attention and would try to make all the chats work or think everyone was a potential match and dismiss traits or attitudes that didn’t align with mine. What I’ve learnt is that for me the key to a successful start is that it’s crucial to find someone on your wavelength with similar values and at a similar stage of life. Otherwise it can become a complete ball ache and not in a good way!
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Paula99 - 12 May, 2024 - 02:33PM
Ideas for typing profiles..
Don’t use the profile wizard at all..
Read others profiles and get some ideas
Don’t copy and paste profiles
Dont use generic expressions like ‘rock anyone’s boat’ or ‘Batman by night ‘ WTF that means I don’t know !!!
Keep it short and sweet one wants to read an essay ..
Knowing what you are looking for is good and shows you have standards..
Indicate that you like to take care of your assets but women want you to worship them not your own body..
Read women’s profiles and pick up on specific topics ..this works !!!
You can’t please everyone so don’t try ..
One more thing we are not all looking for a 6 ft tall dark and handsome ….we already married those 😂😂
Good luck 🤞
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Paula99 - 12 May, 2024 - 08:29AM
Why on earth would you give out your mobile number?
There are apps like Telegram that you can use an ID like on here…
Bonkers 😕
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