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How quickly can a meeting become sexual?

How quickly should a meet move on to sexual contact, heavy petting inside clothing before full sex for example, and has anyne went to a meet with good intentions of not being too quick, and then got carried away with the excitement of the moment?

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Comments (165)

Chelseaguy12 - 05 Feb, 2025 - 11:55AM

Once had a meet where I was laying naked on the bed, she got a key from the front desk and opened the door to be greeted by my erection. Was fun but not very erotic

cuddlydud - 03 Feb, 2025 - 05:56PM

all depends on how each feels. not a problem if both are in agreement. all adults after all.

TallNnorty - 03 Feb, 2025 - 11:23AM

I don't think there is one rule for all situations. It should be what ever you are both comfortable with. I have meet lovely ladies that were happy to wait and see if the chemistry is there to see if we both have a connection beyond the physical sexual aspects of what you are meeting for. For some its not about the physical sex but about the mental emotional connection, the flirting etc and that is all the wise or crave for whatever the reason, at the other extreme there are some that just want a physical release, something new exciting , some not wanting to take too much time to think about what they are doing and just jump straight in. Both can be amazing, depends what works for the two of you.

HotMess2025 - 01 Feb, 2025 - 07:12PM

Typically its on the second face2face meet. However there is lots of back/forth chat thru out the days before the first meet and afterwards so we have already developed a connection.

While there is no set time you both want to or you dont. If its passing the third date I wouldnt consider there was enough attraction, as you should be wanting to rip each others clothes off!

Jbuck79 - 01 Feb, 2025 - 06:54PM

No set time when it feels right

1743108 - 31 Jan, 2025 - 10:00PM

Took her for a drink on Tuesday
We were making love by Wednesday
And on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, chilled on Sunday..

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1499501 - 31 Jan, 2025 - 12:07PM

Has anyone heard of the 5 date rule.

I was introduced this idea by a beautiful friend and it makes lots of sense. Each date, you get to know each other better and the sexual tension builds up (or its doesn't). By the time you get to date 5, you know it is something you want and will not regret, having avoided making a hasty decision.

Setting the ground rules up front, makes it clear and fun what might happen if you both chose to play along with this approach...

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Jock18743 - 28 Jan, 2025 - 07:04PM

If you both want intimacy then it can be as soon as you walk through the door

1743108 - 28 Jan, 2025 - 06:29PM


I know what I need to know re biology😁
And I love reading and watching about physics, 🙌

But yeah, people could mix it up a bit.🙄

Paula99 - 28 Jan, 2025 - 04:46PM


How about physics and biology instead of chemistry 🤣

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