Tall Dark and Handsome (TDH)
Most of the lasses are searching for the elusive "Tall, Dark and Handsome (TDH) bloke". Plus they want him to be humorous, rich, flashy cars, amazing holidays, brilliant shopping trips and lasting in bed until cows come home! I understand that if you want to dream and demand then might as well go for the sky. But are you missing the trick here? Are you discounting genuine gentlemen who might be average looking but are great human beings? They might not have six packs and"Arnold muscles", but they can be sensitive and humorous and probably great in bed as well?
So my quick question - if physical attributes are a mismatch + you want to keep the whole thing a secret affair then how much does those "physical features" matter to you? Is your end goal not to have a great time whenever you meet? Each lass over here probably has around at least 20 lads chasing her and probably she can afford to be choosy ... but does it really work out?
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Comments (75)
Jackson19 - 24 Dec, 2024 - 09:48PM
Does dark and handsome extend to black men? It’s hard to know. I see some adverts that specifically say white males but none have said black. Makes sense as I’d imagine a much lower percentage and ladies won’t want to limit guys interest in them. Ladies tell me if you are open to black men on here please
JessicaRampantRabbit - 24 Dec, 2024 - 04:10PM
For me it’s physical but also mental. He’s got to turn me on and that’s not just visual x
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1726312 - 22 Dec, 2024 - 12:51PM
I like someone to look kind, hair colour, height etc don't bother me, I'm 5ft 3 so just about all men would be taller anyway. I'm curvy, size 12 on top and 14 to 16 on bottom half, I weight about 12 stone...I'm more worried about the man liking me and if my body would put them off...Im pretty and have only been with a couple of people in my life and very inexperienced so I'm not that confident...I end up not messaging back sometimes as I don't want the man to be disappointed
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Doubleohseven - 17 Dec, 2024 - 12:51AM
I don't mind women coldly replying to a 1st message: "How tall are you?"
Their preference for a taller guy has an evolutionary basis.
Most men have evolutionary preferences too, e.g. for younger women, and women with a low waist to hip ratio. I don't mean the 500 active IE male members, for whom "age is just a number" and "don't have a body type". I mean the other 3bn men.
Including me. And so, before my current IE, I had to find out.
Asking a woman about her waist to hip ratio is a bit technical, so instead I asked her the meaning of "curvy", or her dress size. Often I got a very defensive reply, or a rude one like the lady who snarled "I hope you die of herpes". I don't mind poor manners, but I do resent an uninformed curse. Herpes isn't lethal, everyone knows that.
But what puzzles me the most is this: given the sound evolutionary basis of both sexes' preferences, why can't we be direct about them?
So, ladies who ask us about out height - can we just ask you about your width?
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Here we go 693 - 13 Dec, 2024 - 11:05PM
To turn this on its head, surely some men are looking for a certain type. Often this is bourne out by media/fashion/porn sites where models have a specific criteria. Given the stats of male: female it's a lost cause. Aside from that frankly mythical perfection, we all have flaws, some physical some non physical. Sometimes attraction transcends this and we find ourselves attracted to someone we never thought we would consider. It's just a matter of opening our minds
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Paula99 - 13 Dec, 2024 - 12:16PM
Anyone with an ounce of common sense would think …..hold on flashy cars /holidays/money /shopping trips this only happens in Mills n Boon ..
There are lots of fake profiles on here and there are ‘certain types’ that require a bank account….but there are regular people that earn their own crust and are not looking for another husband ….yes I married a tall dark and handsome guy but I was 25 …what did I know about guys only what I had seen on the tv and read in books?
The point I am trying to make is we are not the same people and life has shown us there are more important things to consider …
As far as women being ‘choosy ‘ on here that’s a factor created by IE males to compensate for their archaic behaviour and the fact they have to pay ….
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Persephone80 - 13 Dec, 2024 - 07:27AM
As has been said looks are subjective what I find attractive in a man others may not.
Tall … like P99 most people are taller than me ..
Dark … well grey/silver is my type
Handsome - well yes handsome to me- there needs to mutual attraction
Also there needs to be a connection I want to chat and laugh and have things in common it’s not just down to looks it’s the whole package.
As for holidays!shopping trips / flashy cars .. erm I looking for an affair not a new husband - even of my ie offered a holiday … not sure I could explain that away (even a night away is hard ). So the OP should not tar us all with the same brush ..
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1711728 - 12 Dec, 2024 - 11:41PM
This is the problem with online dating. Much like cars being unfairly judged on a set of numbers in a magazine review, or movies in a score out of ten; people are too complex to be summed up in a profile, but that’s what happens online. I am actually tall and dark, well off, and own three nice cars, as per your description. I e even been called handsome, but nope, not a single date in four months on here. That’s clearly not enough - the level of perfection required to go on a single date is still a mystery to me. Maybe I need that six pack? 😃
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Clickable Connection - 12 Dec, 2024 - 02:01PM
Let's face it lads - there are many more men on here than women. In addition men have to pay , a f therefore here for a short time.
Therefore women can afford to be more picky about the IE they are after , in addition can afford to be more patient to find that IE.
That's the online dating model folks , it is what it is.
I would also say , it's not just the women who have a list of demands , I've seen some men profiles , and wow seems like a shopping list of what the what 😂😂
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marklondonengland - 12 Dec, 2024 - 12:38PM
Everyone knows that the ability to communicate and be on the same page about what you want is the most important thing in an IE, but who can deny that they also want to find their partner at least slightly attractive?
If I were a woman then I would certainly include physical attributes on my list of demands because there are many more men seeking women, so it should be possible to find someone who is handsome AND interesting too...
TBH this sounds a bit pleading anyway. Like saying you are out of shape, have a beer belly, can't walk upstairs without getting out of breath, but hey I am an interesting bloke, why aren't any women responding to me?
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