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When do we stop pursuing?

It is a challenge to get women to respond. How much effort should I make, and how long should I continue the chase? How do I know if she is interested or not?

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Comments (23)

Caroline Red - 07 Mar, 2025 - 09:20PM

i don't think men appreciate just how many messages we get so you have to stand out and don't expect a reply to a message you've copied and pasted or something totally bland. personally if a man has read my profile and says something to show me that i always reply

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MadameDeMaintenon - 07 Mar, 2025 - 07:50PM

@SirrahNek this is precisely why I have it in my profile that I want to receive an effort in an initial message - affairs take effort, save the laziness for your spouse ;)

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SirrahNek - 07 Mar, 2025 - 05:01PM

@MadameDeMaintenon - I suppose 'had a good day', whilst displaying little to no effort, is a step up from Beavis 'n' Butthead's "Hey Behbeh, snh snh". Ugh. Shudder.
I mean, I'm a bloke (and hence, by stereotype, supposed to have the morals of an alleycat), but even I recoil from a low effort message, a VK or a gift (those virtual gifts! I have cufflinks - I'm not sure I need a picture of them as well!)

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MadameDeMaintenon - 04 Mar, 2025 - 11:56PM

@MagicMouse321 - part of the issue is that we are being inundated with low effort messages like ‘hi’ and ‘had a good day?’ 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Here we go 693 - 04 Mar, 2025 - 12:41PM

If they stop messaging you back, that horse is dead my friend!!

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MagicMouse321 - 01 Mar, 2025 - 06:52PM

I think I read somewhere on this forum, that it’s called ‘breadcrumbing’. This is where a one sided conversation goes on and on. Eg. Man says ‘hi’, doesn’t get a response, and then once a day says something like; hi, how you doing? What’s up? How are you today? Etc

Two things wrong here. 1.) guy should just drop it as she’s not responded within a day or so, 2.) girl should just say, no thanks bye 👋 to put him out of his hopeful dilemma.

🙏 could women do this more often please?

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Cheryl Kim - 01 Mar, 2025 - 05:40PM

I think people show interest in different ways. But if the chat trend looks like you are the one doing most of the conversation facilitating, and waiting a long time in between messages, that is probably indication that things may not progress the way you want them to.

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Peaches1 - 28 Feb, 2025 - 10:10PM

Don't be fooled like I was thinking joining here would be easy. People are not open and honest on their profiles and are just desperate to get some attention. Don't bother pursuing someone who doesn't message you back regularly and don't pursue anyone who puts off meeting for weeks on end.

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1743108 - 27 Feb, 2025 - 02:00PM

There’s no rush, chill out.

EmnEm123 - 26 Feb, 2025 - 04:33PM

Man Alive

I forgot to add, I looked at your profile, I thought it was good. Have a little patience, you'll be fine. Good luck! 🤞

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