How can you tell?
How can you tell if your prospective IE is just as great in real life as they seem in their chat? I'm loving talking online, and I really hope he lives up to my expectations...How can I certify my gut feelings!
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Comments (110)
1494077 - 17 Aug, 2024 - 09:22AM
What Paula99 said. And then we have to work on sustaining what we started and keep learning about the person. Hopefully we continue to like what we see!
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Paula99 - 17 Aug, 2024 - 08:57AM
You don’t really know until you meet…even then you are going to be unsure for the next few dates …😁
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Purple dreamer - 05 Oct, 2023 - 09:25AM
Guess the only way to know is meet
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Zeewillis - 05 Oct, 2023 - 07:09AM
I don’t think you can - sometimes it’s just wonderful and works our beautifully and sometimes that gut feeling of “you’re just a number” is right. I tend to follow my gut mostly, it’s never let me down - however, I do still hold out hope that a match is out there for me, who wants to get to know me and only me, not make me one of many.
ExoticOrchid - 04 Oct, 2023 - 02:43PM
We all have different expectations and experiences ... however my MMM (Meet Meet Motto) stems from many personal experiences of amazing chats and then finally met in person ... 😱
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1529050 - 04 Oct, 2023 - 10:59AM
Beckysharp - 04 Oct, 2023 - 10:12AM
Haha as we’ve said before for me to slip in a quick meet at lunch time or on the way home.
I’ve had great chats then met and it’s been a no … then my story of great chat but not sure I’d be attracted to him but though ah what the worse… nice bar, glass of wine .. I knew he’d be good company so I’d meet - and it was boom !!!
I think in my opinion I would definitely meet sooner rather later and not rely on endless messages.
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1559929 - 04 Oct, 2023 - 10:43AM
I dont wanna meet alot of random people before I kinda know whether it would hv chances to be compatible for what I am looking for.
It someone is tackle with their words and has the boldness in their mind and does want to impress with their words u know they wont hold back in person either... it hard to find that but hey we all want that ie thats meant for us isnt it?
1408586 - 04 Oct, 2023 - 10:12AM
I admit I like to talk to someone for quite a while to make sure I definitely want to meet up. But I don’t over invest (nothing is real until you meet) or sext (what if there is no attraction irl 🤢). But I’m not one to go on lots of dates then decide. I make a lot of my decision before meeting. Maybe if I lived in London and meets were easier I’d do things differently 🤷♀️
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1598629 - 04 Oct, 2023 - 09:47AM
Oh for goodness sake, I know this already been said , but meet up over drinks, then believe me you will know, if there is a great spark, conversation naturally flows and clearly getting on well then you have your answer. I know its a leap of faith, like a few on here not on here to chat forever and you know when it's the right time to meet up. Hope this helps xx
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ExoticOrchid - 02 Oct, 2023 - 06:56PM
Agree with DG and P99.
Meet, meet, meet ASAP ... cannot stress this enough ... !
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