How can you tell?
How can you tell if your prospective IE is just as great in real life as they seem in their chat? I'm loving talking online, and I really hope he lives up to my expectations...How can I certify my gut feelings!
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Comments (110)
logicboy - 27 Sep, 2023 - 08:11PM
Paula99 - absolutely agree. And I tried in rhst case being playful without being a pest.
The general point was that we men have it tough. 🎻🎻
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1408586 - 27 Sep, 2023 - 05:25PM
Sandypops there’s a reason men message every newbie on mass…
Now you’re streetwise!! And can make sure you get what works for you 😘
Paula99 - 27 Sep, 2023 - 04:59PM
Logicboy …
The lady ‘that was old enough to be your mother ‘ had given you a decent enough reason …she hasn’t led you on …you were in agreement to chat with her …
I think you should be grateful she was ‘straight ‘ with you..
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Sandypops - 27 Sep, 2023 - 04:51PM
L&E Iand ExoticOrchid I hadn't really appreciated that you couldn't tell anyone you're on ie. So apologies.
BeckySharp I'm very aware that I am very naive for a site like this. I keep saying I'm going to be more savvy and then revert back to my usual self 🤦🏻♀️ though I'm definitely tougher than I was when I started, thank goodness.
My bestie is pretty good at spotting a 'red flag' and player a mile off, so that helps. And I love all the comments here, so thankyou x
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Paula99 - 27 Sep, 2023 - 05:28AM
I have had a good relationship with my partners but luckily I think I choose well in terms of an IE and I dare say they can reciprocate..
We have remained friends and still catch up every now and again …’s just about being respectful and civilised..
Win win win 🏅
1494077 - 26 Sep, 2023 - 09:44PM
TheEnigma - 26 Sep, 2023 - 05:57PM
So important to get an IE who is on the same page as us with regards to how the partnership should work. I’ve thankfully never (not yet) fallen out with any of the men I’ve had a substantial IE relationship with, and feel like I can trust them with some of my most personal details, as they can definitely trust me with theirs.
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ExoticOrchid - 26 Sep, 2023 - 09:25PM
L&E - 09:07PM
Too right!
We need to meet up for a Singles Conference!!!
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Legs&Eyes - 26 Sep, 2023 - 09:07PM
ExoticOrchid - 26 Sep, 2023 - 02:43PM
Haha..... I knew you would agree with those comments! Lol...
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TheEnigma - 26 Sep, 2023 - 05:57PM
What’s all this talk of trust etc…. The only thing you need to be sure enough of to trust is that your affair partner will be discreet and won’t go psycho if and when things come to an end.
If you’re looking for an affair to mimic a conventional relationship and all that comes with that, you might as well get divorced and then hit the conventional dating scene.
ExoticOrchid - 26 Sep, 2023 - 02:43PM
L&E - 10:17AM
I could have written the exact same words you did (I will also have the added "bonus" of cultural disapproval from those who are from my home region).
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