How can you tell?
How can you tell if your prospective IE is just as great in real life as they seem in their chat? I'm loving talking online, and I really hope he lives up to my expectations...How can I certify my gut feelings!
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Comments (110)
1408586 - 26 Sep, 2023 - 12:02PM
Sandypops I would never fully trust anyone on here. If they’re prepared to risk their marriage/kids stability/home etc to lie and have an affair… I doubt very much they will hesitate if it benefits them to lie to us. Obviously there are different types that have affairs. And different motivations too. Maybe I just have more experience of the player types. But it’s made me very cynical.
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Legs&Eyes - 26 Sep, 2023 - 10:17AM
Sandypops - 26 Sep, 2023 - 01:49AM
You'd be surprised Sandy.. speaking as one of the singletons...
I cant tell anyone Im here, friends know of my attachment to normal dating apps or dates - but have no clue about the twilight world of IE or the meetings I have as a result of being here.. its a hidden world even when you're single...
No single girl would ever come out of a situation positively saying she was here for an affair! And married friends would certainly end friendships with me, and as for my professional world - perish the thought anyone would discover it... so..... its def a hidden world for all I would say....
1408586 - 26 Sep, 2023 - 07:27AM
‘Cum on IE’
Freudian slip there 😂😂😂
Sandypops - 26 Sep, 2023 - 01:49AM
MystryMe, I think we should be able to be honest here. Honour amongst thieves and all that
We all live a lie in our real lives (unless we're one of the singletons on here) and personally I hate living such a lie, so why would I lie here when there is no need to.
And in answer to the question, trust your gut instinct and, if you get good vibes, meet. I like to send and receive natural selfies and will sometimes do a video call or 'phone call before meeting.
And yes, sometimes meeting doesn't go as planned, but it's the only way to know if the chemistry needed for an affair is there.
ClassyLady77 - 25 Sep, 2023 - 10:54PM
Only one way and that’s to meet them.. ASAP. IF they don’t meet then they’re just keyboard warriors..
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Naughty in NW - 25 Sep, 2023 - 10:37PM
As valid as this question remains, why does the site keep bumping up three year old original posts to the top of the list for us to chew over again and again?
Cum on IE, your profits must surely allow for some 'fresh material' as you charge all males a hefty monthly fee. Just sayin'
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logicboy - 25 Sep, 2023 - 09:33PM
Agree with everyone who says that meeting up is what this is all about. If you can't or won't meet for a coffee then you are either kidding yourself or me... Imho
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1494077 - 25 Sep, 2023 - 06:56PM
For some, a quick meet works. But for me, spending more time getting to know virtually first, is a better use of time, especially since I always seem to be so short of it!
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1597404 - 25 Sep, 2023 - 04:52PM
You can only really tell if you meet. If someone says they can tell by messages and assumptions, they are deluding themselves.
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