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The 'go to' friend

Does anyone else have a 'go to' friend they always name drop when seeing their IE lol? My partner thinks Debra from accounting has become my best friend in the world now ðŸ™ˆðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜†

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Comments (76)

Purple dreamer - 26 Feb, 2024 - 02:31PM

🤣 Think we all have that friend

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FluffyClouds - 26 Feb, 2024 - 12:55PM

Hmmm, an occasional name drop of someone who you never usually talk about is a little suspicious I think as an excuse. But if it's at work 🤷 who knows, it may work. Depends how well your other half knows your work colleagues. It's far easier if you already have interests and an external life, it will just all fall under the radar.

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marklondonengland - 26 Feb, 2024 - 12:14PM

I think a lot of people here misunderstood the question and thought that it was asking about a friend you can confide in about IE... that might be an entirely different question - do you talk to friends about IE and IE encounters? For this question though, I think it is a lot easier to not create phantom friends - find a better excuse, even if it is just work. Eventually your partner will ask why they have never met this friend you are seeing twice a week...

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One 2 one - 26 Feb, 2024 - 11:38AM

Well I tend not to involve friends in anything I do here, most of my friends interlink with my wife's so it's really just risk management for me.

Hypothetically though it would be nice to bounce off someone.

Jamie#83 - 26 Feb, 2024 - 11:20AM

Didn't have any encounter yet. Then not an issue

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yorkshire lass68 - 14 Jul, 2020 - 12:05AM

Yes she is my rock we look after each other as she uses IE as well

xxmalxx - 13 Jul, 2020 - 01:04PM

Yes I have one and when I go on a meet I always let her know and she insists I message her once I get there and home. Makes me feel abit safer knowing she knows where I'm going.

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1396331 - 03 Jul, 2020 - 04:27PM

My close friend knows all about my IEs and would cover if I needed her to. However, if meeting someone, I will always go via her house afterwards for coffee and a chat. That way, I am not completely lying about my whereabouts. She's a fabulous friend and I'm so lucky to have her support.

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WaitingtobeFound - 01 Jul, 2020 - 07:45PM

No I don't. I wouldn't use a friend like that.

1393582 - 26 Jun, 2020 - 08:41PM

I do some gardening as a side line
So I I'm thinking that I may have to go and look at some bushes that need some attention

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