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Let one's hair down

Full disclosure: I am genuinely a much happier person to be around since having an affair. I've laughed harder, and been more playful then I have in the last decade. Thanks IE for helping me let my hair down. 
Can anyone relate?

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Comments (158)

missingfun - 12 Apr, 2022 - 09:03AM

Great to get even - never plan to leave him, but when I'm at home or travelling knowing I'm having as much naughtiness as him keeps me sane and no longer jealous

I know he knows I know and sure he knows too - but we never discuss eithers infidelities and therefore this truly works and keeps us together

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RosePetal0007 - 11 Apr, 2022 - 08:29PM

It’s nice to be appreciated again… new magic n all🥰

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1513866 - 11 Apr, 2022 - 11:57AM

The excitement of the affair, is so rewarding and ironically, I sleep so much better for it.

StartWithDinner - 11 Apr, 2022 - 11:48AM

I totally agree, I feel a new lease of life

1469532 - 07 Apr, 2022 - 10:38PM

Don’t listen. Just go for it.

1117169 - 07 Apr, 2022 - 07:52PM


Good advice!

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Doricles - 07 Apr, 2022 - 05:21PM

⚠ Spoiler alert ⚠ Just be aware that your OH will quickly pick up on your new found happiness and that any change in your normal persona will quickly reveal that you're up to no good! Our OHs aren't stupid and they know when our personalities, character or behaviour changes and they'll will start to question why? So the next time you're on the phone at night to your new IE playmate, and your OH asks, 'What are you looking so happy about?", think on, because it means that s/he's picked up on a vibe and it'll become an itch that s/he will need to scratch! Your other half will be checking her WhatsApp to see if you're online (another reason not to use WhatsApp), and your household phone bill for any unusual incoming and outgoing calls! Be happy on the inside for sure, but try not to give anything away by your facial expressions or changes in your character or behaviour. And don't go and buy a dog just to get out by yourself at night and at weekends so as to make clandestine calls .. it's not fair on the dog�

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Doricles - 06 Apr, 2022 - 06:00PM

I think people [we] are genuinely much happier when we're having an affair. Why wouldn't we be; we're getting the best of both worlds! We enjoy that buzz of excitement we get from having someone new in our lives. Someone who is on IE because they're up for an illicit encounter, so we're already half way there! We love sending and receiving secret messages: we don't text because that might reveal our actual phone numbers: we don't use WhatsApp for the same reason. Instead we create secret accounts on Kik, Snapchat or Signal, although we're not very creative because we always use the same username! But we turn off notifications, except for badges. We want to see that we have messages but we don't want our phones to buzz or vibrate or for a banner to appear on the front screen. And then we spend all our time checking our phones; living on the edge, waiting for the badge to appear, and then picking our phones up and pretending we're reading Sky News of looking at LinkedIn! Happier yes, but a little stressed too!

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Ja5mine90 - 06 Apr, 2022 - 12:06AM

I can relate. I feel a lot less stressed and generally happier

leggysheila - 04 Apr, 2022 - 07:23AM

To the cucumber lady I'VE tried a baseball bat once I 'll let you draw your own conclusions on if I enjoyed it XXX

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