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Let one's hair down

Full disclosure: I am genuinely a much happier person to be around since having an affair. I've laughed harder, and been more playful then I have in the last decade. Thanks IE for helping me let my hair down. 
Can anyone relate?

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Comments (158)

1488125 - 03 Apr, 2022 - 11:17AM

@Doricles, seen this first hand when a woman I met here, met a previous affair’s very angry spouse - well not in person, but texts, letters in the post, trying to make her life a misery.

She broke it off with me. We had chatted for a while, met once and then this all blew up. I really liked this woman.

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1488125 - 03 Apr, 2022 - 11:10AM


Very good point.

Doricles - 03 Apr, 2022 - 11:02AM

⚠️Spoiler Alert⚠️ “Actions have consequences”! All IE members, be they old, young; married:l, single; male or female, need to think long and hard before crossing the line and having an illicit encounter as all such singular encounters have the potential to develop into an ongoing relationship and become a full blown affair. You need to be prepared to lose everything: or at least 50% (minimum) of everything! There’s also the potential to lose family and friends, respect, social standing and possibly your job, particularly if you’ve been scheduling your IEs on the firm’s time! From a man’s perspective, it’s very easy to fall in love with your paramour: been there, done that! I’m not being “bah humbug” or a harbinger of doom. Just offering a reality check to anyone who’s on here window shopping and considering their next step? We are all masters/mistresses (no pun intended) of our own destinies. If you get caught out, on your own head be it 🙁

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1488125 - 03 Apr, 2022 - 09:56AM

I want this so much! I really want to have an affair and feel like I am walking on air, constantly thinking about my lover, have secret telephone calls and texts.

I would love to be doing regular fun things, being romantic. Kissing passionately somewhere secluded.

Experience the 1000 volts coursing through our bodies when we touch each other. Feel appreciated by your lover.

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Spanish Jack - 15 Jan, 2022 - 09:46PM

Was it a full blown affair or just meetings?

1486372 - 14 Dec, 2021 - 02:16PM

Thank you 👍🏻👍🏻

1117169 - 14 Dec, 2021 - 08:12AM


That is very true.

It has been said that if a couple put a coin in a jar every time they have sex in the first 3 years of marriage then take one out every time after that, they never empty the jar.

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1489744 - 14 Dec, 2021 - 05:26AM

Watermelon777 - well I think it does depend on the type of person you are married to. We're both reasonably open minded. We were just chatting tbh with a few drinks and he said he was thinking humans aren't really made to be monogamous. We then got onto open marriage but stay together scenario, and we made a deal lol with rules. Though, I did have an open marriage before, and current husband was aware of that. Though that arrangement was only made because there were quite a few serious issues and I wanted to leave, which I did in the end. All I can say is you need to have a strong bond for it to work.

1486372 - 13 Dec, 2021 - 11:52PM

Honeybunny7 can I ask
how you went about talking to your hub?I don’t want to bugger it up. I would rather be here without the deceit

Paula99 - 12 Dec, 2021 - 07:08PM

To find a real connection/chemistry is amazing...but its rare to be in a loving marriage/partnership and have a fantastic sex life...

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