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Would love to hear other people's views on single persons preferences on married dating? Many thanks.

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Comments (112)

Legs&Eyes - 30 Nov, 2023 - 09:04PM

TheBoredHousewife - 30 Nov, 2023 - 08:17PM

I messaged him.... as I thought he needed to understand why you don't use the same profile name and you def dont use the same prfoile photo on more than 1 site - when one is for marrieds and one is for singles!

He said - his identitiy had been stolen and and he had no Match profile!!!
Odd, I said.. that the scammer chose to also call themselves XXXXXXX and the scammer ALSO chose the SAME profile photo - I'm looking at it now on my phone on Match, full face visible... and yet the same photo Im looking at on my laptop on IE has a pixelated face... Why hide it on IE - when its open for EVERYONE to see on MAtch!!!!!! Totally hilarious, totally a lack of comprehension...

Any female that he knows who could be on Match - could see him - so IF he is married - what a totally stupid thing to do!!!!

1494077 - 30 Nov, 2023 - 08:17PM

Legs&Eyes - 30 Nov, 2023 - 05:59PM

That is hilarious!

Ohhhhh I’m dying to know!

Wondering if I should join the singles website that you‘ve mentioned. Feels too much like effort though! 😋

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Legs&Eyes - 30 Nov, 2023 - 05:59PM

TheBoredHousewife - 30 Nov, 2023 - 04:31PM

Yes, a little embarrassing when you see the same guy logged into Match.com - right now as I type this - whilst also here.... using the same photo on his profile on Match with his face fully visible, for all to see... and yet he pixilates it here.... Hilarious.

And the same profile name!

Haha.. making NO reference to the fact he's married on Match.... Go figure. And the singletons 'cant be trusted'

Oh how we laugh......

1494077 - 30 Nov, 2023 - 04:31PM

What about married people on singles sites masquerading as being free and eligible? What’s the point in that? 🤔

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Paula99 - 30 Nov, 2023 - 03:16PM

Scrappymog …it’s not that singles can’t join a married dating site. .. it’s the fact they can’t disclose their ‘ single status’…

There are lots of single women/men that are quite happy with their currant arrangement ..singles get stereotyped in the needy bunny boiler category but believe me there are plenty of attached/married ones running around….the bonus being one of you being unattached…it does make it slightly easier to meet …😁

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Paula99 - 30 Nov, 2023 - 03:07PM

High 5 Dotty 🙄

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1529050 - 30 Nov, 2023 - 11:13AM

Hahahaha O EO I can hear you rolling your eyes from here !!

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1632896 - 30 Nov, 2023 - 10:39AM

Why can’t single people join a married dating site? What’s with the gatekeeping!!

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rodstripe - 24 Mar, 2021 - 11:30PM


ExoticOrchid - 24 Mar, 2021 - 08:47PM

Live and let live people.

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