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Would love to hear other people's views on single persons preferences on married dating? Many thanks.

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Comments (112)

1429227 - 06 Feb, 2021 - 03:01PM

Dating married men has very much been dinner and hotels. Have moved to single guys for now though have had more fun with couples lately.

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Cfw1988 - 06 Feb, 2021 - 02:28PM

As a married woman I kind of like single guys or women. Its a lot nicer. However I've found since lockdown and as a key worker it is so much harder to meet someone

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1346010 - 05 Feb, 2021 - 04:32PM

I have found as a married woman that I much prefer dating the single guys. Having their own place to meet is fun, it’s really difficult to find somewhere to meet , even more so now.

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Paul 07914 - 04 Feb, 2021 - 05:07PM

Speaking as a single male,I find married ladies far less demanding of my time (which I have so little of) ,had an affair for over 4years (and a few shorter) and we both enjoyed our time together no matter if it was every fortnight/monthly or longer,we chatted and text a lot in between,whilst singles are great company too I have found they start wanting more and more,,whichI cannot give.

1422646 - 04 Feb, 2021 - 04:20PM

Very true!
I had a married man who left his wife in the beginning of our affair.
If he was single it would be so much easier....

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1320953 - 04 Feb, 2021 - 03:51PM

ExoticOrchid - 04 Feb, 2021 - 01:46PM
when single bashing starts here ... marrieds turn into bunny boilers too ... makes no difference whether married or single ... a bunny boiler is a bunny boiler!!!

Exactly! Take me for who I am not my marital status

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1421067 - 04 Feb, 2021 - 02:22PM

I would not have a problem dating somebody who was single from here. I have been in a position where an IE with a married lady went too far and almost destroyed our marriages. There are obviously ground rules, conversations to be had and also one has to look forward to a great encounter but hold onto feelings.

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Summerbelle - 04 Feb, 2021 - 02:03PM

I'm separated and have been for some time. I have absolutely no interest in finding someone who wants to get married, move in with me or expect me to do all the boring domestic stuff with them. I have utmost regard for keeping my personal life private and would never expect to give anything less in return. Your personal life is your business, not mine.

Dating's tough for all of us right now and my idea of a great date most definitely isn't going for a walk in a cold, muddy park, but when we are able to go out and enjoy ourselves again that's exactly what I intend to do. Regardless of whether my partner is married or single I expect the same from them as I give in return - honesty, truthfulness, sincerity and a mutual interest in just having a damn good time!

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ExoticOrchid - 04 Feb, 2021 - 01:46PM

anonymouse-1 - 04 Feb, 2021 - 10:09AM
"that he was insinuating that at some point I would turn into a bunny boiler and implode his marriage"

kungfu man - 04 Feb, 2021 - 09:34AM
" we were both married but she wanted more very quickly turned into a bunny boiler"#

Exactly the point I have always made when single bashing starts here ... marrieds turn into bunny boilers too ... makes no difference whether married or single ... a bunny boiler is a bunny boiler!!!

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kungfu man - 04 Feb, 2021 - 01:08PM

your welcome anonymouse

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