Would love to hear other people's views on single persons preferences on married dating? Many thanks.
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Comments (112)
1320953 - 04 Feb, 2021 - 12:05PM
kungfu man - 04 Feb, 2021 - 11:58AM
anonymous you sound like the ideal lady?
Thank you!
kungfu man - 04 Feb, 2021 - 11:58AM
anonymous you sound like the ideal lady ?
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1320953 - 04 Feb, 2021 - 10:09AM
I was chatting to who I thought lovely man on here, who after a few days said no more.
He was too afraid of the fact that I'm seperated. I tried to explain as I do in my profile that a discreet relationship is what I want
But he was having none of it said he couldn't trust somebody that didn't have everything to lose
I felt rather insulted, that he was insinuating that at some point I would turn into a bunny boiler and implode his marriage. If that's how you feel an affair probably isn't for you.
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kungfu man - 04 Feb, 2021 - 09:34AM
i had a short affair we were both married but she wanted more very quickly turned into a bunny boiler you need to be very careful now days
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1317379 - 29 Jan, 2021 - 08:19PM
I was married when I first joined, had an affair which I divorced my husband for. That turned sour and now I'm on my own completely. I would like someone who is always available when if I want to see him but that's not going to happen.
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RealAffair - 25 Jan, 2021 - 07:27PM
Beardandsandals - 10 Jan, 2021 - 08:43PM
Much more concise than my post. 👍
RealAffair - 25 Jan, 2021 - 07:25PM
If someone is a bunny boiler ( male or female) then they will be demanding and insecure whether they're married or not. Consequently these types will be indiscreet and a problem to a married person trying to stay married. I've known of married ladies wanting to walk out and heard similar stories about men. (Thankfully no man has offered to walk out on my account 😂)
I think you just have to use your judgement. Take your time getting to know them before giving away personal details that would compromise you if used in a bad way.
So far, this approach has worked for me 🤞
1433297 - 25 Jan, 2021 - 04:14PM
I've just joined and I'm separated pending that last bit of paperwork. I have 2 young children who live with me half the time so trying to find someone single who was prepared for a non-full time relationship until my divorce comes through was difficult. Also me not wanting to jump straight into a full blown commitment got me thinking that there must be a more fun option until I'm ready again.
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Polycarbonate - 11 Jan, 2021 - 06:33AM
It depends on your mobility in life. In a large city its der rigeur. In a small remote community almost impossible.
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