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Would love to hear other people's views on single persons preferences on married dating? Many thanks.

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Comments (112)

Beardandsandals - 10 Jan, 2021 - 08:43PM

Single or married, if someone has obsessive and possessive behaviours or dysfunctional qualities they tend to worsen in a relationship. The type won't do well in this world.

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1430498 - 10 Jan, 2021 - 06:10PM

It’s tricky, I’ve seen a few single divorced people, I’ve also had women who have left their husbands, obviously came on here to find something then made things even worse at home.

The concern about seeing someone who isn’t married is the fear they don’t have anything to lose and will they be too demanding on your time? In truth you can get that with someone married too. So just stick to people who work for you, make time to get to know someone and be honest about your situation and what you’re looking for.

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gemini2310 - 10 Jan, 2021 - 12:56AM

I would never get involved with a single or divorced guy did that once never again only a married guy for me but each to there own

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1352755 - 09 Jan, 2021 - 11:27PM

I’m a single girl ( done marriage twice... doesn’t suit me 😂)
Used this site on & off for 7 years .Had two long affairs and a few shorter ones . Me being single never bothered any of them
I don’t put any demands on them , in return I get fantastic sex & great company.
It’s all about trust . My lovers know I don’t want anything from them other than the “ special” time we spend together .
When I’m ready for husband number 3 I’ll get myself on match .com 🤣😂

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Paul 07914 - 09 Jan, 2021 - 02:59PM

Don’t see anything wrong with it personally,as a single male I don’t have time for a full on relationship,work and family take up my time but have found dating a married lady or a single lady with same views as my own works very well,even had a 3 year romance without anyone knowing and it suited me and the lady perfectly.

ExoticOrchid - 09 Jan, 2021 - 02:46PM

Seductress79 - 11:28PM

Exactly! 👍

ExoticOrchid - 09 Jan, 2021 - 02:44PM

Rose Bud - 08:49AM

Absolutely ... totally makes sense! 👍

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ExoticOrchid - 09 Jan, 2021 - 02:42PM

Sportster1200L - 08:20AM

Men are more honest here as in we know they are married, that they don't want to leave their families, that they are not promising lasting love, etc, etc ... which I assume men on singles sites would tend to allude to, if not openly declare/promise whilst having no real intentions.

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jake686 - 09 Jan, 2021 - 11:06AM

The honesty I suppose is that anyone single and dating a married person really doesn't want the commitment and the baggage that comes with a relationship.

Though in some sense that is the journey that some women crave. Shopping, holidays, dinning out, if you want that surely that is the realm of relationship.

However there are people who's motives are financial, but aren't they just what we call professionals

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1393321 - 09 Jan, 2021 - 08:49AM


I think I understand what Seductress means. I've been dating for the last 3 years and at first I used mainstream site designed for singles. I met 3 men who all had reasons why I couldn't ever visit their homes, two said they lived with parents, one with an adult daughter. There were lots of other things that added up to leave me thinking they weren't actually single.

Here on this site , the upfrontness makes a big difference. And knowing a man's situation makes it so much easier to talk about mutual needs but also mutual limitations. And so it feels more honest.

Does that make sense?

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