What have you ...
... learned about yourself (and other people) since you joined IE? 🤔
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Comments (171)
1423815 - 05 May, 2021 - 01:58PM
Exotic Orchid
This is actually proves my point that I’ve said many times on this site, ladies are after the whole package generally where’s us guys are only here for one thing
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ExoticOrchid - 05 May, 2021 - 11:54AM
Blueboy1981 - 11:19AM
Yup but you should read some of the men's profiles too ... they are looking for supermodels. 🤷♀️
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1423815 - 05 May, 2021 - 11:19AM
I’ve learnt that ladies on here have very unrealistic expectations
List of demands of things the man should have,
It’s crazy 😂
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1449716 - 03 May, 2021 - 02:54PM
Lorettadelray, and pip210 Awesome 👍
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1447499 - 03 May, 2021 - 02:38PM
What have I learned about myself and others? Well I'm not sure this will win me too many friends but hey; the question was asked and ultimately this is 'my' reflection on that:
I have found that, even in these 'liberated times' when we are all supposed to be striving to achieve equality, diversity and inclusion, there remains an expectation that the male will make all of the moves, arrange the meets, pay for rooms etc - some even going so far as to state this in their profiles as an expectation.
I get that some women want to feel that initial hit from the thrill of the chase and want to be 'courted' but are we not past all that now? Should we be?
I believe my application for the Diplomatic Corps is progressing well..... but that may well be about to change....🤭
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lorettadelray - 03 May, 2021 - 02:28PM
Most of you ladies need to stop with the victim mentality.
Put on your best knickers and get out there and drop 'em.
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1449716 - 03 May, 2021 - 01:23PM
Iv found out the lockdown pages are far more truthful about people’s character , than any rubbish in there profile . I also see a lot can throw shade but can’t receive it when it comes back
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Gormlessoaf - 03 May, 2021 - 12:07PM
The level of misandry is about the same.
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