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What have you ...

... learned about yourself (and other people) since you joined IE? 🤔


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Comments (171)

1433762 - 02 May, 2021 - 01:42PM

I have learnt that age is certainly a major factor !

ExoticOrchid - 02 May, 2021 - 10:37AM

I have just learned that people here make unfounded and insulting comnents about a total stranger and then instead of apologising, they make a complete U-turn and pretend it was just banter and you should "get it" ... 🤔

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Relaxed Vibes - 02 May, 2021 - 07:10AM

I’ve learnt to absolutely trust that gut feeling.

And to not believe the charmers/players on here however tempting their words might sound.

Also learnt to never invest in getting to know anyone not experienced in illicit encounters, so often they get an attack of the guilts

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ExoticOrchid - 22 Apr, 2021 - 01:41PM

1421067 - 22 Apr, 2021 - 12:17PM

Totally agree that blocking for no reason is extremely rude and unacceptable.
The only reason for blocking should be when someone is being abusive or rude and not willing to accept that they have been rejected.

1440533 - 22 Apr, 2021 - 12:40PM

Think my biggest lesson has been age and looks have caught up with me, although we are all here for the same reason, it seems that looks matter more to a woman than anything else, maybe its a numbers game on here the same as other sites

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1421067 - 22 Apr, 2021 - 12:17PM

I've just noticed that I have been blocked by a couple of people for whom I was interested for unknown reasons as we had not even spoken. No matter what I still find it extremely rude and unacceptable. It really annoys me.

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1449137 - 20 Apr, 2021 - 12:03AM

That no matter how much i try to convince women that what counts is, how the force is applied to a vector, and not its length. They dont get it...

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Adraug51 - 18 Apr, 2021 - 09:28PM

That it is not easy to find a like minded person who might want to share a little intimacy wherever you look

1421067 - 18 Apr, 2021 - 12:45PM

It makes no difference here if you are one of the "good guys". It's just luck and being in the right place at the right time which can lead to a successful IE.

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1117169 - 18 Apr, 2021 - 11:32AM

That if you pick someone who is a bit "Edgy" they will cut you sooner or later.

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