What have you ...
... learned about yourself (and other people) since you joined IE? 🤔
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Comments (171)
Teresa di Vicenzo - 17 Apr, 2021 - 10:04PM
ExoticOrchid - 17 Apr, 2021 - 04:51PM
You’re completely correct. I have a note that I’ve pinned to the top of my profile stating I’m no longer seeking for an IE and apologising if I don’t respond to messages as I rarely come on here. Despite this, although I only now come on about once a week to read the forums, I tend to have at least a couple of messages in threads from men who’ve sent a message which hasn’t instantly been replied to. They’ve then gone into a strop and will hurl written abuse at me! Then to prevent me having right to reply, they block me! Children are funny creatures!
So I’ve learned that there are a lot of funny characters out there. We must all be careful with the choices we make x
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ExoticOrchid - 17 Apr, 2021 - 04:51PM
I have learned that there are bitter men here who hold a grudge and take the opportunity to take a swipe at those who rejected them. Sad. 🤔
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Purple dreamer - 17 Apr, 2021 - 04:13PM
Think I am old fashioned , don't want the get you knickers off well not until I at least know my lovers name!
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1365864 - 17 Apr, 2021 - 01:19PM
That a lot of ladies are difficult to engage in conversation despite trying to talk about aspects of their profile.
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1421067 - 17 Apr, 2021 - 12:59PM
Lastly I think I have learnt not to compromise, if the other person goes quiet then walk away, if they are a rabid Tory then give them the widest berth possible, if there is something unbelievable or weird then it's no way Jose or Josephine in this case.
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1421067 - 17 Apr, 2021 - 12:47PM
I've also.learned that having an IE is about escape and shouldn't be confused with real life.
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1421067 - 17 Apr, 2021 - 12:35PM
I've learnt that a woman who sends you photographs of her underwear, may not actually be a woman in real life.
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1421067 - 17 Apr, 2021 - 12:29PM
I've learnt not to be naive, not to trust anybody who views your profile 20-30 times or asks for a photograph immediately.
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MatureWorcsBBW - 15 Apr, 2021 - 05:59AM
I learned that I have a lot more to learn.
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