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What have you ...

... learned about yourself (and other people) since you joined IE? 🤔


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Comments (171)

Maria Jones - 15 Apr, 2021 - 05:11AM

i've learnt that i can still look good in lingerie

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Emeraldeyes267 - 14 Apr, 2021 - 11:46PM

I've learnt that finding that one....is a lot more difficult than you would think..... and that there are alot of men who just want sex and I need a connection with someone before the physical side of the relationship develops.... also that i prefer a younger man... does that make me a cougar? 😉😂 x

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Donald694 - 14 Apr, 2021 - 10:24PM

I've just about figured out how to justify a deep relationship with a woman who ain't my wife. One has to keep the home fires burning - offering more tender loving care than one receives.

ExoticOrchid - 11 Apr, 2021 - 12:44AM

cg170563 - 11:14PM

Ain't that the truth! 👏

1448003 - 10 Apr, 2021 - 11:14PM

That people aren’t always what they seem...

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1446591 - 07 Apr, 2021 - 10:02PM

I have learned that it is a tough crowd this time around!
Been a member twice in the past and both times had wonderful affairs and also made some beautiful friends.
But this time, really difficult! I wonder if there are more men on and the lucky women are more spoilt for choice! If so, good for them!

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1436604 - 06 Apr, 2021 - 08:37PM

I have learned that erotic stories that I have been sent and that are supposed to turn me on actually make me laugh!

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1386735 - 06 Apr, 2021 - 08:23AM


What you haven’t learnt is....don’t have your face as your public profile picture when you’re a married man! 🤨

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1442776 - 06 Apr, 2021 - 04:57AM

I've learned so much in so little time

- I've learned there are women out there willing to be totally selfish, which is what I like
- I've learned that there are so many people being married without passion
- I've learned many women love sexting
- I've learned BDSM is becoming popular with women
- I've learned women want sex as much as men
- I've learned this site works

I guess I had a lot to learn.

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happyblue69 - 04 Apr, 2021 - 10:01PM

First joined IE 10 years ago and met an amazing woman and we scratched each other’s itches for a year. Then another affair in 2013. It’s great to chat and see how we fit. Flirting and reminding each other of that flutter is an amazing tonic. Life is for living

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