What have you ...
... learned about yourself (and other people) since you joined IE? 🤔
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Comments (171)
ExoticOrchid - 04 Apr, 2021 - 01:54PM
22ct Collar - 01:23PM
Oh you too? 😁
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24ct Collar - 04 Apr, 2021 - 01:23PM
I’ve learnt a lot of things but mostly about the administrators!
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ClassyLady77 - 03 Apr, 2021 - 05:56PM
I know the sort of Men I like and don’t like.. I want to be. Treated with some respect, I’m not here just for the sex.. want other fun too..
.I’ve learnt that I can have sex with someone without getting emotionally contacted.. Ive made mistakes along the way, cheating definitely been a learning curve...
Going forward I know what I’m looking for: Has to be that spark, makes me laugh, generous. Respectful, honest (to me anyway) and not scared of his own shadow 😂
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1446199 - 03 Apr, 2021 - 02:55PM
I've learnt not to go in deep with anyone,
I've learnt to treat someone with love without falling in love.
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Reef7765 - 03 Apr, 2021 - 01:53PM
i’ve learnt over the years to handle guilt, to the point i don’t feel it anymore …
i've learnt that women want a multitude of things regardless of how it starts …. at some point there is a change and one party is more invested than the other …. ( there maybe an equivalent view from women about men, i’m sure there is, i’ve not come across it that’s all )
generally people are nice and it seems what never changes is how people handle rejection… . why some fly of the handle I don’t know … no one is entitled to anything
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1433627 - 03 Apr, 2021 - 01:49PM
I realised i prefer the good old fashioned way of meeting someone, communicating, body language, the spark of chemistry something words and a random photo just is not going to give you those vibes so we could be potentially bypassing a great opportunity. I have learned to say "Thanks for your messages you are not my type !" Because I do not believe in ghosting, i am far to polite for that. So surprised others are blocking people, dread to think what led to that action.
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241014 - 03 Apr, 2021 - 12:11PM
I have learned that nice guys still finish last.
That some men are deeply flawed and display on here the same sentiments that make women so afraid in the street. Yet sadly this will probably never change, regardless of whether it would be better if it did.
And yet while there remains a bubbling pot of female sexuality looking for a release, all this is worth bearing with.
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1432754 - 02 Mar, 2021 - 10:23AM
@ couldwellbe
I completly agree 😂 I have an age limit on my profile because I'm only 32 and I look young (chubby cheeks so very baby faced haha ) and I constantly get men well in their 60's telling me they look young/good for their age - not for me thank you.
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1439959 - 02 Mar, 2021 - 09:09AM
I've learnt that I'm shallow...looks do matter!
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1429737 - 01 Mar, 2021 - 07:59PM
I've learnt that my username attracts profile views from women who think its a statement of my age not a tennis score. But sixty-two-love would be rubbish!
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