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What have you ...

... learned about yourself (and other people) since you joined IE? 🤔


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Comments (171)

1433753 - 01 Mar, 2021 - 06:16PM

I have read some of the comments about blocking people after politely declining their advances .I only started doing so after the unbelievable vitriol I received from some “ gentlemen “ .
My requirements are regularly roundly ignored despite clearly stated in my profile..
I also had a few men attacking me for the apparent “ ego “ I display in my profile....something perfectly acceptable apparently for a man ..🤷‍♀️

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1386755 - 01 Mar, 2021 - 05:39PM

I've learned that I don't need attention from multiple men .I also have too much self respect to write a profile that is sexually titillating so my inbox remains manageable . I have learned that some men don't have any idea what is involved in conducting an affair in practical terms ,and it is more fantasy than fact .As such I'm not willing to cyber or engage in salacious chat .

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1423886 - 20 Feb, 2021 - 09:31PM

That I love the thought of having an affair and love the secrecy. That many women on here say they do and won’t rock the boat but they can’t help themselves. That I have to be even more discerning the longer I spend on here.

Shaunysmile - 16 Feb, 2021 - 09:13PM

Iv learnt that I am a terrible liar

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Our wullie - 16 Feb, 2021 - 08:41PM

Seems to me lock down has brought a significant number of ‘members’ only online for amusement and not at all interested in having an affair.
That and scammers makes for a lot of wasted time!

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1429737 - 16 Feb, 2021 - 01:06PM


Ditto - to use an old phrase "you have to kiss a lot of frogs" - shame no one available to kiss due to lock-down.

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1329251 - 16 Feb, 2021 - 09:47AM

That I should be as open and honest as possible and expect that from others if we're going to be good friends.
Also patience. Looooooads of patience 👍

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Sigmaguy - 14 Feb, 2021 - 01:34PM

I’ve become more emotionally aware, more conscious of my boundaries and open-mindedness, weaknesses and behavioural tolerances. I’ve become more confident, I’m happier in myself but sadly and inevitably a bit more heartless, less trusting, more aware of red flags and disappointed at how some people act and behave.

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1436596 - 14 Feb, 2021 - 11:16AM

Things I've learnt about myself. I'm more confident, attractive and open than I thought. I've become more fussy over time only because I feel I had to in order to prevent wasting anymore time on the wrong kind of person. I've learnt how I want an affair to feel like and how I don't wish it to be like.

I've learnt that quite alot of men do not think things through practically. Do they have the time, can they commit to an affair, can they handle the rollercoaster of emotions and do they truly know their reasons to why they are seeking another relation? This maybe the case for women too!

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1434661 - 14 Feb, 2021 - 10:32AM

Thank you for the validation Nyceguy, you genuinely are a nice guy x

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