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Profile Suggestions?

Tips or ways to improve your profile? What makes a profile stand out from the crowd? How personal should you get and what should you include or leave out?

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Comments (194)

Paula99 - 07 Mar, 2023 - 05:30AM

Life’s too short …

You can have a top level education and still have grammar issues ..😊

1579377 - 06 Mar, 2023 - 11:20AM

To be honest I find shorter profiles more accessible and usually when you give the exact circumstances you're in and what you're after! So many times it's the old 'I am university educated' and 'looking to see how it goes', the profile can really cut down a lot of the initial feeling out questions if it's to the point! But I know many like more information so it's just personal preference.

Of course a picture stands you out by 99% that goes without saying....

LifesTooShort. - 05 Mar, 2023 - 06:12PM

Don't use an autogenerated profile and if you say you have a top level education then be sure spelling and grammar are of a standard that supports your claim

1529050 - 05 Mar, 2023 - 05:54PM

Ladies totally agree with you all …

Not rocking any boats, happily married blah ….

And write your own words .. be you ! (No computer generated ones)

I like to read something funny … something to draw me in.

When I’m in her looking I keep mine fairly short as I’d rather lean more when we start chatting.

1408586 - 05 Mar, 2023 - 12:51PM

Brilliant TBH 👏 😂

1494077 - 05 Mar, 2023 - 12:33PM

Anything that looks like copy and paste with the overused phrases that include sparks, butterflies, boats, change of circumstance, global travel stats, gym membership……..you know what I mean.

Cut it out! Start from scratch! Be your own person! Have a bit of originality FGS.

Happy Sunday everybody 😎

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1408586 - 05 Mar, 2023 - 10:58AM

Ha ha completely agree with that LG. The first line moaning about their marriage- I stop reading!

Not rocking any boats 🥱

Any mention of casual or NSA is also a no from me. That just reads like they want everything on their terms.

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1447655 - 05 Mar, 2023 - 10:20AM

I'm loathed to give advice on profile creation as I firmly believe it's the first hurdle that separates the wheat from the chaff. But just because I'm so bloody bored of reading about it - don't start by talking about your marriage, infact, don't mention it at all. We aren't going to give you marriage guidance and its not interesting or relevant. It's like interviewing for a job, and instead of being dynamic and selling your strengths, slagging off your old work place. We all know why we are all here, numnuts!

Then there is the terrified reminder, 3 times, that they "dont want to rock anybodies boat" "im essentially happy at home" "not looking to change anything". Well, duh, that's what this place is for! You don't go in a butchers and ask for a cream horn do you?

This type of member is too frightened to ever take a punt on.

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Paula99 - 03 Mar, 2023 - 05:35AM

If you want to improve your profile ..don’t use the generated one..read others profiles.. men’s/women’s before you decide what to type …don’t use those horrible statistics.. it’s not easy and most are not good at creativity..don’t write an essay ..keep it to key points ..don’t type that ridiculous office speak 🥱
Type from your heart and not from your head 👍

1349881 - 01 Mar, 2023 - 07:34AM

I dislike the messages which are normally linked to a virtual kiss and which are effectively a rehash of the profile. Ideally you want something that indicates they have read your profile and what it was that attracted them to message you

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